Bargaining Survey, Membership Party & More
Check Your UIUC Inbox: Complete the Bargaining Survey!
Dear GEO members,
The past 10 months of bargaining have been extremely challenging. We have all been struggling to make ends meet, pay our rent, afford medical bills and groceries, and maintain our physical and mental health in a crushing period of inflation, economic recession, and national health crisis. We know it has been discouraging in these conditions to watch the administration bully us at the bargaining table, steal the meager raises some of us were offered in violation of our contract and labor law, and delay bargaining via bad faith tactics.
As your co-presidents, we are committed to empowering member voices and decision-making to ensure we win a contract that will provide us access to the income and healthcare we need to live in a healthy and safe environment. To help collect your feedback, last Monday (1/30), you should have received an invitation in your UIUC inbox to complete the new bargaining survey. This survey is meant to shape our bargaining strategy and determine what actions are feasible for winning a strong contract. Your participation in the bargaining survey is essential so that your vision can continue to drive bargaining.
For some members, this message went to their Junk Mail folder. Be sure to check there, if you haven’t seen it. The email was sent from “ via SurveyMonkey” with the subject line “GEO 2023 Bargaining Survey – We Need Your Input.”
Ask your colleagues if they’ve completed the survey yet. Both members and not-yet-members can complete it! If you or someone you know did not receive an email invitation, please contact for a unique link to participate.
In addition to the survey, we are dedicated to hearing member input across departments. Last week, our Bargaining Team and Stewards Council held a Bargaining Information Meeting at the Siebel Center for Computer Science where over 70 graduate workers shared their questions, ideas, and concerns. Tomorrow’s General Membership Meeting will provide a forum for members to make decisions about GEO’s messaging around bargaining.
Finally, GEO stewards—graduate workers who keep their department informed about GEO and communicate their department’s issues and ideas to GEO leadership—are visiting offices and tabling across departments. If you would like your department to have a greater GEO presence, email to connect with your department steward, or another GEO organizer if your department does not yet have a steward.
Let’s come together to win a fair contract that prioritizes the economic, physical, and mental wellbeing of graduate workers!
In solidarity,
Karla Sanabria-Veaz & Nachiketa Adhikari, GEO Co-Presidents
New Work session hours @ the GEO Office
The new work session/office hours schedule is now available on our calendar! These are weekly sessions open to all grads to come work alongside each other (doing research, writing, grading, GEO work, anything!) and for anyone to stop by and ask questions about GEO!The office is in the McKinley Foundation building (809 S 5th St, Champaign, IL 61820). Enter through the door near the corner of 5th and Daniel, and walk forward until you see the GEO office on your left. Schedule:
Mondays, 4-6pm
Tuesdays, 12-2pm
Wednesdays, 1-4pm
Thursdays, 1-2:30pm
Stop by and say hello!
General Membership Meeting (GMM) Tuesday 2/7
6:15-7:45 pm, Campus Instructional Facility 4035
Food provided! We’ll be discussing bargaining updates and current bargaining campaigns. Attending is your opportunity to determine GEO’s messaging based on member bargaining priorities!
Can’t attend? Make a comment at
[image description: Blue, white and Yellow background. Black GEO logo on the top right. At the center in black “GENERAL MEMEBRSHIP MEETING” and below it in yellow “NEW YEAR! NEW CONTRACT!”. The middle section reads “TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 7TH 2023 6:15-7:45 PM IN-PERSON”. The lower mid section reads “Room 4035 Campus Instructional Facility, Urbana, 61801” And below that in yellow “TOPICS: BARGAINING CAMPAIGNS & BARGAINING UPDATES”. At the bottom reads “To submit more topics fill out Questions? Email Karla and Nachiketa at”.]
Bargaining Session #22 Friday 2/10
Join us for our next bargaining session on Friday, February 10th, 12:45-5:30 PM at Illini Union Ballroom. Bring a friend, tell the colleagues in your department! These next several weeks will be critical!
Sign up for a role here: Mark your bargaining calendar with the flier below!
Check the following flyer for all the dates of upcoming bargaining sessions:
[image description: light purple background with megaphone on top right and GEO logo on top left. Middle top title reads “FEBRUARY BARGAINING SESSIONS” in black. The next three respective lines read “SESSION #21 3RD/2/2023 12:45PM-5:30PM Illini Union Rooms A&B; SESSION #22 10TH/2/2023 12:45PM-5:30PM Illini Union Ballroom; SESSION #23 16TH/2/2023 10:45PM-3:30PM Illini Union Ballroom.” Below, center, black text reading “This is it! We cannot WIN without YOU showing up for OUR grad community. The University only works because we do!” At the bottom small writing in black reads “Childcare, food & coffee provided.”]
Your Union <3 You Party Friday 2/10
Nothing says Love like community and treats (+ quality of life we deserve as graduate workers). Come party with us THIS Friday, at the IMC! All invited to attend <3 (if you are eligible for GEO member ship (AKA a grad worker) you must sign a membership card at the door)
[image description: Pink Flyer with string of red and pink hearts at the top. Pink lettering below that reads: “Your Union <3’s You: Grad Student Party.” Below that in gray says: Free Food and Drinks Friday February 10th 8PM - 12AM Independent Media Center 202 S Broadway, Urbana. There is a black/pink GEO logo in the bottom right corner. In the bottom left corner, a speech bubble says “Chat with us” next to a link to the GEO website:]
In Solidarity,
Graduate Employees’ Organization
809 S. 5th St., Geneva Room
Champaign, IL 61820