Summary Bargaining Session #21
What happened at the bargaining session?
During our 21st bargaining session our lead negotiators, Nachiketa Adhikari (Math) and Sam Froiland (History) presented a proposal with the articles Appointment Terms, Evaluations, Hours of Work, Management Rights, Expenses, and Personnel Files. We exchanged this for our proposals of Time Off for GEO business and requiring the University to revise and maintain the online links contained in our successor contract. The University countered with a proposal containing all of our articles with the exception of our Hours of Work Package. After receiving input from our members during caucus, we ended the session with a counter proposal with improvements to the Hours of Work section. Read more below for highlights from the session:
What were the highlights of the session?
We made a lot of progress throughout the session and with strong member participation we believe we can reach an agreement in the next session that will:
Reduce overwork by defining stronger parameters for what constitutes overwork.
Reduce late appointment letters by increasing the fee charged to university administration from $70 to $100 when they provide appointment letters late.
Allow graduate workers to self-describe identity on employment forms where legally possible.
“It is very good that the administration continues to negotiate the separate sections that we’re bargaining on instead of take-it-or-leave-it proposals. They’re feeling the pressure!"
-GEO member
What can my co-workers and I do?
WE are only as strong as WE OURSELVES make the GEO! Participating in GEO events and organizing activities helps increase our bargaining power and lets you meet your fellow graduate employees! Stay tuned for the podcast next week when we hope to reach agreements with your participation at the session!
Our next General Membership Meeting (GMM) will be key in helping us developing our bargaining campaign, strategy and communications based on membership priorities. We hope to see you next Tuesday, February 7th, 6:15PM-7:45PM at Room 4035 of the Campus Instructional Facility. Do you have a comment or idea you want to share? Fill out the form
[image description: Blue, white and Yellow background. Black GEO logo on the top right. At the center in black “GENERAL MEMEBRSHIP MEETING” and below it in yellow “NEW YEAR! NEW CONTRACT!”. The middle section reads “TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 7TH 2023 6:15-7:45 PM IN-PERSON”. The lower mid section reads “Room 4035 Campus Instructional Facility, Urbana, 61801” And below that in yellow “TOPICS: BARGAINING CAMPAIGNS & BARGAINING UPDATES”. At the bottom reads “To submit more topics fill out Questions? Email Karla and Nachiketa at”.]
Join us for our next bargaining session on Friday, February 10th, 12:45-5:30 PM at Illini Union Ballroom. Bring a friend, tell the colleagues in your department! Sign up for a role here: Mark your bargaining calendar with the flier below!
Check the following flyer for all the dates of upcoming bargaining sessions:
[image description: light purple background with megaphone on top right and GEO logo on top left. Middle top title reads “FEBRUARY BARGAINING SESSIONS” in black. The next three respective lines read “SESSION #21 3RD/2/2023 12:45PM-5:30PM Illini Union Rooms A&B; SESSION #22 10TH/2/2023 12:45PM-5:30PM Illini Union Ballroom; SESSION #23 16TH/2/2023 10:45PM-3:30PM Illini Union Ballroom.” Below, center, black text reading “This is it! We cannot WIN without YOU showing up for OUR grad community. The University only works because we do!” At the bottom small writing in black reads “Childcare, food & coffee provided.”]
No new episode of After Bargaining this week
We have decided to postpone this week’s episode to next week. Stay tuned for new updates. Meanwhile, you can listen to our previous episodes and share this flyer with your friends and colleagues. Short, crisp, and to the point.
[image description: light purple background with GEO on top right. Middle top title reads “HAVE YOU MISSED RECENT BARGAINING SESSIONS?” in black. Below it is the After Bargaining Logo. The next three respective lines read, “THE GRADUATE EMPLOYEES ORGANIZATION HAS A PODCAST”. Below, center, QR Code. Left of it is an image of a microphone. Below QR Code in is a link: “” in white. Below that in black text reading “After Bargaining Podcast is available on Spotify, Apple, Anchor FM, and many other platforms.”]
Lastly, if you left an iPAD during the bargaining session, it will be available at the GEO Office located at 809 S. 5th St., Geneva Room. GEO has your back!
In Solidarity,
Graduate Employees’ Organization
809 S. 5th St., Geneva Room
Champaign, IL 61820