GEO Local 6300 IFT/AFT AFL-CIO at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Get Involved!

Get Involved Today!

Join us and learn how you can contribute, from joining our working group to organizing your coworkers. Click each title to find links or further resources.

Organize your Coworkers

The number one way to support the unionization campaign from inside your own workplace is by organizing your coworkers. You can show your support with GEO merch or an RA unionization flyer, prompt frank discussions with coworkers about their working conditions, and spread the word about GEO events - you can even invite them to the next working group!

Sign the Support Pledge

Regardless of whether you are able to volunteer with the working group, if you are (or expect to be) an RA, you can still show your support by signing the RA Unionization Support Pledge. This indicates that, when the time comes, you intend to sign an RA unionation authorization card.

Fill out the RA Workplace Issues Survey

We're all experts in our own working conditions. The key to RA unionization is bringing together that expertise from across RA departments and recognizing the common issues facing RAs in the workplace. Fill out the RA Workplace Issues Survey so we ensure all RAs are represented in our efforts.

Join the working group

The success of the RA campaign will depend on the dedicated support of RA’s and other students across campus! If you are interested in getting involved with the RA Working Group, let us know by filling out this volunteer form. RA’s and non-RA’s alike are welcome to join the group, and there are many different ways to help depending on your individual interests and talents. Send us a message below and we'll reach out to you with more details!