Register for Bargaining Session #7 and Join the Bargaining Team!
Table of Contents:
Table of Contents:
Register for Bargaining Session #7!
Our next bargaining session is coming up this week on Friday, July 15 from 1-3pm CT. Let’s show up together–the more grad workers we have packing the screen, the stronger our power is!
The session will take place online via Zoom, and GEO will caucus in Google Meets. Register to attend through this link:
Join the bargaining room and caucus for as long as you can, and invite at least one colleague!
A flyer with a blue-colored background and an image of an orange megaphone with waves of sound in the upper right. Orange and white text reads “FULL CONTRACT BARGAINING SESSION #7 7/15/22.” In a paragraph below, smaller white text reads, “On Friday, June 15 from 1:00-3:00 PM, GEO’s Bargaining Team will be negotiating with university administration on topics of access and justice, wages and waivers, and health and safety in our contract.” At the bottom, text reads, “RSVP here:” On the bottom left is a white logo with the letters “GEO” inside.
Appointment Letter Reminder
Did you know that you are entitled to receive your appointment letter for assistantships at least 30 days before the start of the appointment? Most TAs and GAs start around August 16th, so most grad workers should’ve received their appointment letter around July 16th. If you are expecting an assistantship for Fall 2022 and have not received your letter yet, please fill out this form! You may be eligible to receive a $70 direct payment for a late appointment letter.
Remember, you should be paid for any training sessions you attend as part of your job, even if they happen before the start of your appointment.
Join the Bargaining Team!
The Bargaining Team (BT) negotiates a contract for graduate student workers around the issues of wages, tuition waivers, healthcare, grievances, etc. Our contract expires on August 15, 2022 and we need your help to win a strong contract.
Bargaining Team members attend weekly meetings and participate in bargaining sessions as note-passers, note-takers, researchers, document organizers, live tweeters, child carers, and more!
You can nominate yourself or someone else at! If you have questions about BT, reach out to Chelsea & Sam at
A flyer with a white background and black text titled, “Join the Bargaining Team!” Under the title is a picture of GEO members in front of the Illini Union wearing GEO shirts and holding signs that read “Fair Contract Now” and “The University WORKS because we do.” Underneath, text reads, “What is the Bargaining Team (BT)? The BT negotiates a contract for graduate student workers around the issues of wages, tuition waivers, healthcare, grievances, etc. Our contract expires on August 15, 2022 and we need your help to win a strong contract.” Under that is a horizontal dotted line, and two groups of text separated by a vertical dotted line. The left section reads, “What do BT members do?” with bullet points underneath that read, “Attend weekly meetings” and “Participate in Bargaining Sessions,” which has sub-bullets that read, “Note passer, Note-taker, Researcher, Document organizer, Live tweeter, Child carer, And more!” The right section reads, “How do I join? Nominate yourself or someone else at” Underneath is a QR code and the GEO logo in blue and yellow. At the bottom, text reads, “Email Chelsea & Sam at with questions.”
Blind Pig Mug Club Nights
The GEO socials at Blind Pig are now happening EVERY WEDNESDAY!
The next Bling Pig Mug Club Night will be this Wednesday, July 13 at 8pm!
Join us outside the Blind Pig Brewery on Neil St. Come hang out with your fellow grads, and bring a friend! All grads and community members are welcome.
A poster with green, orange and yellow boxes and drawings of a beer and cocktail in the corner. In yellow at the top it says "Grad Socials" with a logo of the Blind Pig Brewery below, along with the brewery address: 120 N Neil Street, Champaign, IL 61820. On the bottom, blue text says, "Every Wednesday" and below that, white text says: "8-10 PM Starting 5/25," below that blue text reads, "Friends, Family & Non-Members Welcome!" Next to that there is a yellow box with a blue GEO logo. At the very bottom it says, "For more information, Contact Grace at"
Join a GEO committee!
We are a member-run union; we depend on the commitment of our members to stay as strong as possible. You can find details about what each committee does and how to contact them on our website. No special knowledge is required. You can also follow the calendar of events on our website for the date and time of upcoming meetings: Meetings are open to membership, and coming to a meeting does not commit you to joining a committee.
Upcoming summer schedules:
RA/PGA Working Group (Contact Bram at - Email for information about summer schedule.
Bargaining Team (Contact Chelsea & Sam at Tuesday, July 12, 4:30-6:30pm.
Grievance Committee (Contact Salvador and Dante at - Wednesday, July 13, 4:30pm-5:30pm. Virtual. Contact email for link.
Stewards’ Council (Contact Grace at - Contact email to get involved this summer.
Communications Committee (Contact Megan and Savannah at - Contact email to get involved this summer.
Disability Caucus (Contact Grace at - Tuesday, July 12 from 12:00pm-1:00pm. Meets every other Tuesday from 12-1pm on Google Meet, Email for more information.
Solidarity Committee (Contact Anna at - Email for information about summer schedule. Hybrid.
People First Cancel Debt Committee (Contact Karla at - Email for information about summer schedule.
In Solidarity,
Graduate Employees’ Organization
809 S. 5th St., Geneva Room
Champaign, IL 61820