GEO Local 6300 IFT/AFT AFL-CIO at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

News and GEO-L

Member Communications

Campus Elections, Referendum to Invest in People not Police



Vote YES Today/Tomorrow on Referendum to Invest in People not Police

Today and tomorrow, please vote YES on a referendum by Defund UIPD & People First Cancel Debt, sponsored by the Illinois Student Government (ISG). The referendum calls on UIUC to reallocate 25% of UIPD’s funds to resources for students, workers, and community members via a participatory budgeting process! Vote at!

From July 2019 to June 2020, the University spent $8.2 million on UIPD. This referendum asks that 25% of that funding—approximately $2.05 million—be redistributed to resources for students, workers, and community members (for example, mental health resources). Currently, only the University Board of Trustees and administration can make direct budgetary decisions. In contrast, participatory budgeting allows a community to democratically decide how to spend a portion of a public budget.

For more information, you can find Defund UIPD's full statement on the referendum here, and this Daily Illini article that quotes GEO & Defund UIPD member Angela Ting and Campus Faculty Association and Defund UIPD member A. Naomi Paik. Please share our flyers to help get out the vote (but do not share in classrooms—that is against the campaign rules)!

[Hover your mouse over the flyer to access image descriptions. Versions of the first flyer in Spanish, Simplified Mandarin, and Traditional Mandarin can be found by navigating through the slideshow with your arrow keys. Translations provided by GEO members Andi Lee Quasebarth and Stephanie Perez.]

Adrian Wong is on the ballot for Student Trustee!

The GEO also encourages you to vote for our co-president Adrian Wong for Student Trustee, so that we can have a voice representing graduate workers at the decision-making table of the University system! Again, the link to vote is at!

We Won Summer Healthcare!

Image Description: Flyer with white and yellow background with multi-colored red, yellow, and blue sprinkles. At the top of the flyer, in black, bold text, reads "Graduate Employees' Organization (GEO), AFT / IFT Local 6300, AFL-CIO." In the middle …

Image Description: Flyer with white and yellow background with multi-colored red, yellow, and blue sprinkles. At the top of the flyer, in black, bold text, reads "Graduate Employees' Organization (GEO), AFT / IFT Local 6300, AFL-CIO." In the middle of the flyer, in a big, light red banner, reads "We Won Summer Healthcare!" The type is yellow, blocky, and bold. At the bottom of the flyer is text that reads, in red type, "Full coverage of McKinley Fee. 87% Coverage of Health Insurance Fee. For more information visit [and then this web address]:" A GEO Logo—a black circle with the letters G, E, and O—is in the lower right-hand corner of the flyer.

When we work together, we win! After months of bargaining, one email campaign and one phone campaign, the COVID-19 Impact Bargaining Team has secured healthcare fee waivers for grad students enrolled in Spring and Summer ‘21, regardless of appointment status. Visit for information on the current program, and stay tuned for further details from admin.


In Solidarity,

Graduate Employees’ Organization

809 S. 5th St., Geneva Room

Champaign, IL 61820
