GEO Local 6300 IFT/AFT AFL-CIO at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

News and GEO-L

Member Communications

Fight for Summer Healthcare, Modified Grad Testing Requirements, and More!


Table of Contents:


COVID-19 IBT Wins Modified Testing Requirements

The GEO COVID-19 Impact Bargaining Team (IBT) has won modified testing requirements for all graduate students, effective immediately. As announced in a series of Massmails on March 10th [1][2], graduate students who do not come to campus are no longer required to regularly undergo COVID-19 testing. Graduate students who do come to campus are still required to test twice weekly, as well as those living in University Housing.

After the GEO membership rallied in support of Ivor Chen last month, and the University published data on the rates of COVID-19 among graduate students, the COVID-19 IBT made the argument during the February 26, 2021 bargaining session that the previous testing requirements for graduate students not coming to campus were too strict given the extreme penalties for non-compliance, and the data supporting how careful graduate students are as a community. The GEO still supports widespread testing as a means to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. However, for those students for whom testing is the largest source of COVID-19 exposure or is otherwise a significant burden, the GEO has successfully argued that testing should not be required.

Changes to GEO Orientations

After more than 18-months, impact bargaining of Public Act 101-0620 has drawn to a close. The University and the GEO have outstanding disagreements related to changes to dues deduction under the Act (the University argues that they are not financially responsible for any payroll errors that result in the GEO losing dues money), but the University and the GEO have reached an agreement on changes to the new-hire orientation procedure.

The Memorandum of Understanding agreed upon by the University and the GEO is available on our website. In brief, the GEO now has a contractual right to meet with newly hired TAs and GAs either individually or in small groups for up to one hour without loss of pay for the assistant. In addition, a Massmail drafted in conjunction with the GEO will be sent out informing newly hired TAs and GAs of the orientations.

Black Caucus: Graduate Student Experience Survey

The Black Caucus has developed a survey to collect information on the experiences of Black graduate students across campus.The information will be used to help the Black Caucus identify common and pressing issues and concerns that Black graduate students face so that we can address them more effectively. If you are a Black graduate student, click here to take the survey - share this survey with other Black graduate students you know on campus!

Defund UIPD & People First Cancel Debt ISG Resolution and Referendum Vote

Image Description: A purple flyer says “VOTE” in white text and “Yes” in orange text, next to a checkbox with an orange checkmark. “Mar. 23-24, 2021” is written underneath in orange, followed by white text that reads “on the referendum to reallocate…

Image Description: A purple flyer says “VOTE” in white text and “Yes” in orange text, next to a checkbox with an orange checkmark. “Mar. 23-24, 2021” is written underneath in orange, followed by white text that reads “on the referendum to reallocate 25% of UIPD’s funds to resources for students, workers, and community members via participatory budgeting!” At the bottom and #DefundUIPD are in orange text. On the right side, there is an image of a police car with a red X over it and a green plant that is growing out of a dollar bill.

On March 23 & 24 please vote yes on a referendum by Defund UIPD & People First Cancel Debt, sponsored by the Illinois Student Government (ISG). The referendum calls on UIUC to reallocate 25% of UIPD’s funds to resources for students, workers, and community members via a participatory budgeting process! Your responses from our University Resources Survey directly informed this referendum, so thank you for participating!

Please vote at on March 23 & 24 to call on UIUC to invest in people not police!

Solidarity Committee Updates

Donation Made in Support of Shamar Betts 

Last week the GEO Solidarity Committee donated $100 to a fundraiser for Shamar Betts, a 20 year-old man from Champaign who was unjustly targeted and ridiculously labeled a “domestic terrorist” by the Trump administration in the wake of a protest following the police murder of George Floyd. You can read his interview with the Intercept, and donate to his support GoFundMe.


Access The Organizer!

Members of SolComm have put together a modern issue of The Organizer! The Organizer was a newsletter published by GEO members in the 1990/2000’s; we have combined some old articles and new content from our own members to show how things have changed (and how they haven’t!) since the beginning of the GEO. If you have any content (poems, articles, photos, art anything!) you would like to include in the next issue contact SolComm ( and we will be sure to include it!

Columbia University Grad Workers are on Strike!

Grad workers at Columbia University represented by GWCUAW Local 2110 have been in bargaining with admin for two years and have yet to get a fair contract. On Monday, they officially hit the picket lines to begin a strike. You can show your solidarity with GWCUAW by joining their virtual picket line, donating to their hardship fund, and following and boosting their actions on social media. The workers united will never be defeated! 


Fight for Summer Healthcare: Social Media & Zoom Campaign: Thursday, March 18 & Friday, March 19

Image Description: This black, red, and yellow graphic shows a bullhorn along with the following text about why grad workers need Summer 2021 healthcare coverage: “I STAND WITH GEO. UIUC must provide unemployed grad workers & their families with…

Image Description: This black, red, and yellow graphic shows a bullhorn along with the following text about why grad workers need Summer 2021 healthcare coverage: “I STAND WITH GEO. UIUC must provide unemployed grad workers & their families with affordable summer healthcare. 2,000+ UIUC TAs & GAs without summer work during a global pandemic. $0 in grad worker paychecks in June, July, & August 2021. $1,049 what newly unemployed UIUC grad workers have to pay for summer healthcare. 3 months when grad workers have to choose between healthcare, rent, & groceries. We demand that UIUC put #PeopleFirst during COvID-19!”

GEO’s COVID-19 Impact Bargaining Team has asked that UIUC cover the cost of healthcare coverage in Summer 2021 for all grad workers without summer appointments ($927 health insurance premium plus the $122 McKinley fee, for a total of $1,049), as well as the cost of healthcare for their dependents. 

Show the university why we need summer healthcare by making our fight visible online! Find social media post templates, memes, and Zoom backgrounds in this Google Drive folder and check out the Facebook event!


Get excited for GEO community skill-sharing! We want to organize a digital space to allow graduate students (GEO members and non-members) to connect. The idea is to bring people together by sharing our skills and interests, recruit new members to join the union, and engage existing members by experimenting with pandemic-appropriate spaces to engage with each other.

Upcoming Events:

Image Description: Black text on a cream-colored banner reads "GEO S.H.O.W. PRESENTS". Below, hand-written text in faux calligraphy font reads "hand lettering HAPPY HOUR w/ellie" on a grid background. At the bottom, salmon-colored text on a black ba…

Image Description: Black text on a cream-colored banner reads "GEO S.H.O.W. PRESENTS". Below, hand-written text in faux calligraphy font reads "hand lettering HAPPY HOUR w/ellie" on a grid background. At the bottom, salmon-colored text on a black background reads "MARCH 19 @ 5:30 PM TWITCH STREAM". White text on a terracotta background reads "NON-MEMBERS WELCOME!" The image is surrounded by a salmon-colored border. Doodles of flowers accompany the hand-written text.

  • Hand-lettering Happy Hour with Ellie: Fri., March 19th, 5:30PM CT

    • Join Ellie for a casual workshop to learn the basics of faux calligraphy, a form of hand-lettering that combines thin and thick lines to draw letters that look like they were made with a calligraphy pen. Once you learn the basics, you can use it in your planner, envelopes, or the notes for your 4th zoom meeting of the day. All you need to bring is paper, a writing utensil, and a beverage or snack! No prior experience required. Check out the Facebook event and catch the stream on GEO’s Twitch channel!

Previous Events:

In Defense of Justice in Denver: Online Film Screening + Q&A: Wed., March 17th, 7:00PM CST

The National Committee for Justice in Denver will be screening In Defense of Justice in Denver, a documentary about the targeting of organizers involved with the #JusticeforElijahMcClain protests by Denver police. If convicted, they could face up to 48 years in prison for their involvement with the peaceful protest movement. NCJD is asking attendees to make a minimum donation of $5 to benefit the defense fund for the targeted organizers. More information about Zoom registration and how to donate can be found on their Facebook page. GEO is a cosponsor of this event. We hope to see you there! 

Spring is Here! April Fool’s Day Coffee, Tea, and Conversations with GEO: Thurs., April 1st, 12:00-4:00PM CST

April’s fool may or may not bring Spring weather, but GEO organizers and committee members will be on campus offering free hot coffee, non-caffeinated tea, biscuits, and socially-distanced conversations about where you’re at as a grad worker. How pandemic conditions are evolving for you? What’s on your mind for the summer and coming year? Any suggestions for the Bargaining Research Team?

Find the GEO table 12-4pm Thursday, April 1st, at these sites:

  • Burrill Hall Corridor (across from Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, between Goodwin Ave and Mathews St.

  • Engineering Quad/Bardeen Quad (on lawn near Grainger Library)

  • Smith Memorial Hall, near Morrow Plots & FLB off Mathews St.

Want to join the organizing crew? 

In Solidarity,

Graduate Employees’ Organization

809 S. 5th St., Geneva Room

Champaign, IL 61820
