GEO Local 6300 IFT/AFT AFL-CIO at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

News and GEO-L

Member Communications

Information about Backpay, Summer Healthcare, Officer Election Results + Upcoming Events


Table of Contents:

Dear GEO member,

On May Day, we commemorate the history of labor struggles in the US and the world and, as part of this commemoration, take a moment to reflect on the past year, share information about the wins in our contract, and welcome the incoming officers of the GEO.

This has been a challenging year for all of us. In the wake of an unprecedented pandemic and the highest inflation seen in decades, many of us have struggled to fulfill our roles as students, teachers and researchers in this university while also trying to safeguard our health and pay the bills.

Amidst these challenges, we have won some unprecedented victories. This was a year in which we won a contract that includes the highest wage increase ever achieved in the history of our union, waivers of multiple fees, paid parental leave, and guaranteed year-round healthcare. These wins were not achieved by a committee or a handful of people; they were achieved by members participating in the democratic process by attending bargaining sessions and meetings, providing feedback through office conversations and surveys, and mobilizing our power as a community of graduate workers in protests and actions. This was the year in which we recruited more members than any in recent history, and began working towards making our union a welcoming space for graduate workers from a diversity of backgrounds. You will receive an email and information this week on how to access summer health care and calculate your backpay. But, none of this could have happened without you.

GEO has shown once again that all workers, especially graduate workers on this campus, have been and continue to play an essential role in advancing learning and labor, the core mission at the flagship institution of the state of Illinois.

But the work does not stop here. Now, we need to keep working together to make the Union a meaningful place to build community among graduate workers and a relevant instrument of struggle to improve the learning and working conditions at UIUC. We hope that you will join the incoming officers and committees of the union in fulfilling these objectives in the coming year. Nothing happens if we don’t make it happen! 

In solidarity,

GEO Coordinating Committee 2022-23.

Information about raises and retroactive pay

Back pay estimator available here:!

As you are aware, the GEO, as part of our recently-concluded contract negotiations, has bargained a new minimum wage and reappointment raise for graduate workers. The minimum wage for 2022-23 is $21,230 (for a 9-month 50% appointment), and the reappointment raise is 6%. The minimum wage for 2023-24 is $22,080.

Who can expect the new wage:

According to the new GEO contract, the new minimum wage and reappointment raise will apply to Teaching Assistants (TAs) and Graduate Assistants (GAs) represented by the GEO. While RAs and PGAs (as well as some TAs and GAs) are not legally represented by the GEO, the administration has informed us that the same increases to the minimum will be applied to them and that reappointment raises will apply to any assistant (TA/GA/RA/PGA) who held an assistantship at any point before Fall 2022.

Both of these raises will be applied retroactively from August 2022. So if you were an assistant at any point between August 2022 and May 2023, you will likely be eligible for retroactive pay for the months that you were an assistant.

How much money you can expect:

If you are an assistant who is not on a reappointment (for example, a first-time TA/GA/RA/PGA), your new wage will be either your current wage or the new minimum wage, whichever is higher. If you are on a reappointment, the new wage will be either the new minimum wage or 1.06 times your old wage, whichever is higher.

If you received a reappointment raise at some point in 2022-23, the retroactive increase you can expect will be the difference. For example, if you received a 3.5% raise in August 2022 over your pre-August wage, your new wage is 6% more than your pre-August wage, and the retroactive pay you receive will be the remaining 2.5%.

Here are some example calculations:

These are all for 50% appointments (ones where you are expected to work an average of 20 hours per week); for other appointments, the amounts should be calculated proportionally.
The information presented above can be a lot to take in at once, which is why we have created a new wage and retroactive pay calculator, available here: You can use this app to calculate your expected May paycheck.

How to check your earnings statement:

One way to see how much you are going to get paid on May 16 is to look at your Earnings Statement (which will probably get uploaded by May 10). This document, also called a “pay stub”, is generated by University Payroll and contains information about your paycheck (including deductions). If University Payroll has processed your new wage and retroactive pay information correctly, it should be reflected here. You can access your Earnings Statement at by clicking the green button that says “Access Earnings Statement” and then logging in.

Note that this document is generated by University Payroll and NOT the GEO.

What to do if you don’t get the new wage, or get a different amount:

If the amount you get paid is less than you expected (based on our back pay calculator), please get in touch with us! The Grievance Committee has developed a form ( that you can fill out to let us know about this. While GEO can only enforce the retroactive increases as stipulated in our contract (for represented TAs and GAs and, in the case of reappointed assistants, those who held the same job in the same department earlier), RAs and PGAs can also fill out this form to get information on what can be done.

Once you fill out the form we will get in touch with you to see how we can fix this as quickly as possible. You can also, as always, email, but for this specific issue we would really appreciate it if you filled out the form since that is going to be the most efficient way for us to help solve the issue.

Information about healthcare coverage for graduate workers

Contract WIN!- Summer Health Insurance 

We won summer health insurance! The way this will work is that people who had a waiver generating appointment in the spring will qualify for a summer automatic waiver which will include and 87% waiver of the Health Insurance Fee, as well as the following fee waivers: Service Fee, AFMFA Fee, Library/Technology Fee, and a full waiver of the Health Service Fee. For more information on what the summer automatic waiver is click here.

Important Deadlines


Graduate College Healthcare Information

Healthcare Deadline Information

Summer 2023 Registration Deadline Information

Student Health Insurance Waiver/Opting Out Information

Eligibility & Registration

If you had a waiver-generating appointment (Teaching Assistantship (TA), Graduate Assistantship (GA), Research Assistantship (RA), or Pre-Professional Graduate Assistantship (PGA)) in Spring 2023, and you don’t have a summer appointment, then you are eligible for the summer automatic waiver as long as you register for the summer. It doesn’t matter which summer term you register for as long as you register for a class in the summer. If you have a waiver generating fellowship this semester (comes with tuition and fee waivers) you are also eligible for the summer automatic waiver. If someone has above a 67% appointment (no waivers) in the summer but had a RA, TA, GA, PGA or fellowship (appointments with tuition waivers and fee waivers) in the Spring 2023 semester, they are also eligible for the summer automatic waiver.

Instructions on how to register for zero credit hours

  1. Access the Student, Faculty and Staff Self-Service here: You’ll need your Net ID and secondary authentication to log in, so make sure your phone is near you!

  2. From the main menu, click on the “Registration and Record” tab. From the list below, you can click either “Enhanced Registration” or “Classic Registration” to sign up for classes. (I find “Classic Registration” personally easier.)

  3. If using “Classic Registration,” it’ll give a prompt for which term. Make sure your ticket is open to add a course and that you have chosen the “Summer 2023” term.

  4. On the “Registration” page, click on “Add/Drop Classes.” After you click “Agree” to the Registration Agreement, it’ll take you to two sections: “Current Schedule” and “Add Classes Worksheet.”

  5. Below the “Add Classes Worksheet,” there is a heading of “CRNs.” Using the list of CRNs that will soon be released by the department, type your approved CRN in the submission box. The usage of these CRNs must be evenly distributed to ensure the first few listed are not overused. Please keep an eye on your inbox for this CRN sheet!

    1. Ask your department for the CRN for Zero credits; it may be attached to a particular professor.

  6. After you submit your CRN, click on the “Submit Changes” button below. 

    1. Make sure the “Cred” field says “0.00” If it does not, click the number, change it to 0.00, then click “Submit Changes.”

  7. Voila! You’ve signed up for summer zero-credit hours!

Estimated Cost

If you qualify for the summer automatic waiver, in addition to 87% of the health insurance fee being waived, you will also get the service fee, the health service fee, the AFMFA fee, and the Library / Technology fee waived. This table summarizes an estimated cost of what you will pay if you enroll in summer classes, which is necessary in order to receive summer healthcare. If you want a full breakdown of costs, without the waivers applied, please see this website that covers the Summer 2023 Graduate & Professional Campus Fees

Dependent Health Insurance

If a family member or loved one is not eligible for their own insurance, you are allowed to enroll them as a dependent through your University health insurance plan. If you are a TA/GA or have the summer automatic waiver, this summer the  University will pay 40% of the cost of the premium for the coverage of one (1) dependent of the covered graduate employee when dependent coverage is elected.This is also extended to RAs/PGAs. 

What the process is supposed to be:

In order to enroll your dependent in this coverage, visit, click on the “Forms” tab, select “Enrollment,” select the “Opt In” option, and then verify your information. As a reminder, summer healthcare enrollment begins on May 12th, 2023 and the deadline for Summer 2023 is June 23, 2023. In order to receive the subsidy, you must first pay the full cost up front, then once the enrollment period ends you will see a reimbursement on your student account. 

Dental and Vision Plans

UIUC provides dental insurance through United Healthcare Student Resources for all graduate students. For graduate students with waiver-generating appointments, United Healthcare dental insurance is available at no additional cost. Per the GEO Contract, the University Administration covers the cost of Dental and Vision insurance for TAs and GAs. To see if your appointment qualifies, check the Graduate College Handbook. For all other graduate students, United Healthcare is available with an annual premium. Graduate students may also enroll dependents for coverage during the predetermined enrollment periods. 

Plan information for TAs, GAs, RAs, and PGAs can be found in this plan brochure. All other United Healthcare information (such as coverage details, participating dentists, and claim forms) can be found at

Along with dental insurance, UIUC also provides vision insurance through EyeMed Vision Care for all graduate students. For graduate students with waiver-generating appointments, EyeMed Vision Care is available at no additional cost. To see if your appointment qualifies, check the Graduate College Handbook. For all other graduate students, EyeMed Vision Care is available with an annual premium. Graduate students may also enroll dependents for coverage during the predetermined enrollment periods. Plan information for TAs, GAs, RAs, PGAs and fellows can be found in this plan brochure.

Upcoming Events

GEO + NTFC Work-In Session: Thursday May 4, 12-6 PM, Illini Union 

GEO will host a joint work-in with NTFC (Non-tenure Faculty Coalition) on Reading Day, Thursday May 4 12-6 PM in the North Lounge of Illini Union! This will be a low-key study session during such a stressful time of year. Get some help and get stuff done! We will also be there to answer any questions folks may have about the contract, back pay, and summer healthcare.

Black and Latinx Work-In: Friday May 5 1-5 PM, BNAACC

In the spirit of celebration of our contract ratification, GEO recognizes that as a predominantly white Union there are specific challenges that Black and Latinx people face to make their voices heard and build community. We plan to change this intentionally through policies and practices.

Join GEO this Friday May 5th from 1pm to 5pm for our Black and Latinx Work-In at the Bruce Nesbitt African American Cultural Center (BNAACC). Study for finals, work on grading your students' papers or any other tasks together with our community. FREE FOOD, GIFT CARDS and more! You DO NOT have to be a GEO member to participate. Please note this event is planned for, by and with Black and Latinx Grads! RSVP here by Thursday May 4th at 4pm.

Results of GEO Elections

The GEO elections committee has reviewed and ratified the results of the elections last week. Below are the officers that will comprise the GEO Coordinating Committee for 2023-2024, and the passed amendments to the GEO Constitution. Congratulations to all the candidates! 

  • Co-Presidents: Michael Klajbor-Smith, Communication; Daniel Rodriguez Arrizon, History.

  • Secretary: Raymond La, Psychology.

  • Grievance Committee Co-Chairs: Dante Dabaghian, Law; ben wallis, history. 

  • Co-Treasurers: Aaron Councilman, Computer Science; Tony Mirasola, Physics.

  • Communications Committee Co-Chairs: Cassidy Farrar, Communication; Evan Stoor, Music Education. 

  • Solidarity Committee Co-Chairs: Soraya Cipolla, Italian Studies and Queer Studies; Jessennya Hernandez, Sociology and Gender and Women’s Studies. 

  • Co-Officers at Large: Preethi Basani, Physics; Togzhan Seilkhanova, iSchool.

  • Co-Officers at Large: Sam Froiland, History; Priyanka Zylstra, History.

  • Officer at Large: Lesley Owens, English.

  • Amendment to the duties of the Secretary: Passed.

  • Amendment to the duties of the Coordinating Committee: Passed.

Regarding the Stewards’ Council: The Co-Chairs and leaders of the Steward’s Council (SC) are elected via a separate process that takes place within the SC itself. SC writes its own by-laws to govern its internal operations. For more information on SC and the GEO electoral process, you can refer to the GEO Constitution. 

In Solidarity,

Graduate Employees’ Organization
809 S. 5th St., Geneva Room
Champaign, IL 61820