Bargaining Session Summary #26 — WE WON!!!
Executive Summary (Summary in a Flyer),
Bargaining Session
Image description: Bargaining sitting in front of a packed room with GEO members
This was the longest bargaining session in this contract campaign
The GEO and administration bargaining team exchanged several proposals, moving closer on various items over the course of the day
At the end, the bargaining teams signed a tentative agreement that addresses the pillars that GEO members voted and fought for, including:
Increase in minimum wages above inflation
Year-round health care coverage
Additional fee waivers
And much more
There will be two GMMs (Sunday 3/26 and Monday 3/27) where the Bargaining Team will go over the details of the contract and the process of the ratification vote.
What’s next?
The agreement signed today is a tentative agreement. For it to become an official contract, it must be ratified by members as part of the union’s democratic process. The Bargaining Team will share the details about the signed tentative agreement at the hybrid General Membership Meeting on Sunday 5-7pm (3/26th/2023) in Gregory Hall Room 213 and online. You can request a link for the online component at More information will be shared soon with you via email and social media; please check them frequently during these important days.
Thank YOU for showing up time and again and for all of the hard work you have contributed toward reaching this tentative agreement. We have all shown once again that all workers, especially graduate workers on this campus, have been playing and continue to play an essential role at UIUC and have achieved a FAIR CONTRACT NOW to advance learning and labor, the core mission at the flagship institution of the state of Illinois.
After Bargaining Podcast
The Bargaining Team is celebrating and will be taking the day off. They will record the episode on the weekend. Check out previous episodes here.
In Solidarity,
Graduate Employees’ Organization
809 S. 5th St., Geneva Room
Champaign, IL 61820