Rally for Bargaining Session 10 and First GMM of the Semester!
Attend Bargaining Session #10 & The Rally for a Fair Contract!
[Image description: A flyer with a forest green-colored background and an image of a white megaphone with waves of sound in the upper right. Black and white text reads “FULL CONTRACT BARGAINING SESSION #10 8/25/22” Black text below reads "10am PROTEST AND RALLY at Main Quad Illini Union, 11am-1pm BARGAINING SESSION at Illini Union Ballroom." In a paragraph below, smaller black text reads, “We've been bargaining for over 5 months with the university and we still don't have a fair contract! Join us for the protest/rally at 10am to enter the session showing that the University works because we do! Online option available by emailing officer1@uigeo.org" On the bottom right is a white logo with the letters “GEO” inside.]
We’ve been bargaining with university administration for a new contract for over 5 months, and we will have our first in-person bargaining session (with an option to join online) on Thursday, August 25 from 11am-1pm.
The session will take place in the Illini Ballroom on the second floor of the Illini Union. We will caucus (where we break from meeting with administration to meet together as GEO privately) in the same room.
Join us before the session at 10am in front of the Illini Union (on the Main Quad, by the South entrance) for a rally to demand a fair contract! We’re coming together to show admin that we’re ready to bargain in earnest. Our contract has expired, and we’ve been waiting months to receive a full proposal, so it’s time that the administration truly listens to our proposals for fair wages, year-round healthcare, protections against harassment and discrimination and more.
If you’re not able to join us in-person, you can contribute your power before the session by phone banking and inviting friends and colleagues to the rally and session. If you need an online accommodation due to public health concerns, email officer1@uigeo.org by Wednesday August 24th at 11:59pm for the online meeting link.
Every member is welcome to join the bargaining session, for as short or as long as you can! We encourage people’s in-person participation for the bargaining session after the rally to show the administration that the University works because WE do.
General Membership Meetings (GMMs)
[Image description: Flyer with a slate blue background titled “General Membership Meeting (GMM). There is a drawing of three people sitting at a table with speech bubbles in the upper right. Dates are listed below as Thursday, September 1st at 6pm at Channing Murray, 1209 W Oregon St., Urbana and Wednesday, August 31st at 12pm on Google Meet, Register at tinyurl.com/2022augustGMM.]
After kicking off the semester with a bargaining session, we’ll gather for our first General Membership Meetings (GMMs) of the semester. We’ll have two meeting options, one online and one in person.
For new members, GMMs are our regular monthly meetings where we meet together with grad workers across departments to talk about ongoing union business. In this first GMM, we’ll be talking about full contract bargaining and voting on our budget for the upcoming year.
The online GMM will be held on Wednesday, August 31 at 12pm on Google Meets. Register to receive the meeting link here: tinyurl.com/2022AugustGMM.
The in-person GMM will be held on Thursday, September 1 at 6pm at the Channing Murray Foundation (1209 W Oregon St Urbana).
During this GMM we will introduce the Union to new members, provide key updates around bargaining and open nominations for our vacant officer positions: Secretary, Solidarity (co-)chair, Grievance co-chair, and Officer at Large. You can learn about the role of these positions at uiucgeo.org/constitution. You can also email the co-presidents at cc@uigeo.org.
Welcome Back Party
[Image description: Flyer with a grey background titled “GEO Welcome Back Party!” There are pink and green fireworks and two full beer mugs toasting. The date is Friday, September 2nd 2022 at 8pm at the Independent Media Center (IMC) at 202 S Broadway Urbana. Text at the bottom reads “FREE BEER and FOOD after signing your GEO card! For info, email geo@uigeo.org.”]
To welcome back existing GEO members and invite in new GEO members, we’ll be holding a party on Friday, September 2 at 8pm at the Independent Media Center (202 S Broadway, Urbana). This party is for GEO membership with free beer and food for GEO members. Come out to meet GEO folks across departments and tell your friends to sign a card before or at the party to attend!
New Member Resources & Chambana Guide
[Image description: A table with a laptop and notebook with text reading Graduate Employees’ Organization Unofficial Guide to Life in Chambana. Fun Bars, Good Coffee, Great Food, Getting to the Airport & more. Advice and recommendations from your fellow Grad Employees. Available at uiuc.geo.org/guides.]
New to GEO? New to Champaign-Urbana? Or looking to learn more about the union and our surrounding community? GEO members have created a New Member Page to get you started.
We’ve also updated our Unofficial Guide to Life in Chambana, where you can find information on navigating healthcare, restaurant recommendations, parent resources, and more!
Join a GEO Committee!
We are a member-run union; we depend on the commitment of our members to stay as strong as possible. You can find details about what each committee does and how to contact them on our website. No special knowledge is required. You can also follow the calendar of events on our website for the date and time of upcoming meetings. Meetings are open to membership, and coming to a meeting does not commit you to joining a committee.
Upcoming schedules:
RA/PGA Working Group (Contact Bram at bram.osterhout@gmail.com) - Email for information about schedule.
Bargaining Team (Contact Chelsea & Sam at officer1@uigeo.org) - Tuesday, August 23, 4:30-6:30pm. Regular fall meetings will be every Monday from 11am-1pm. Online and in the GEO office.
Grievance Committee (Contact Dante at grievance@uigeo.org) - Tuesday, August 23, 4:00pm-5:00pm. Meets every other Tuesday from 4-5
Stewards’ Council (Contact Grace at sc@uigeo.org) - Currently scheduling fall meetings, contact email to get involved.
Communications Committee (Contact Megan and Savannah at commcomm@uigeo.org) - We’re currently scheduling fall meetings! Fill out this When2Meet if you’re interested in joining.
Disability Caucus (Contact Grace at GEOdisabilityUIUC@gmail.com) - Monday, August 29, 12:00pm-1:00pm. Meets online via Google Meets every Monday from 12-1. Email for more information.
Solidarity Committee (Contact solcomm@uigeo.org) - Contact email to get involved.
People First Cancel Debt Committee (Contact Karla at cc@uigeo.org) - Contact email to get involved.
Work Action Group (WAG) (Contact Karla at cc@uigeo.org) - Wednesday, August 24 at 6:30pm in the GEO office to prep for the Rally for a Fair Contract (809 S 5th Geneva Room, McKinley Foundation).
In Solidarity,
Graduate Employees’ Organization
809 S. 5th St., Geneva Room
Champaign, IL 61820
Email: geo@uigeo.org