GEO Local 6300 IFT/AFT AFL-CIO at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

News and GEO-L

Member Communications

Register for Bargaining Session #8 and Join Stewards Training Sessions!

Register for Bargaining Session #8!

Our next session is scheduled for Friday, July 29 from 2-5pm CT. At our last session, when asked if graduate student wages would be livable for him and his family, lead negotiator Robb Craddock said, “I don't think that this [question] is germane because I am not a graduate student.” As grad students, let’s come together and show admin what truly liveable wages would mean to us. Let’s work together to make sure graduate education is accessible to all! 

The session will take place online via Zoom, and GEO will caucus in Google Meets. Register to attend through this link: 

Join the bargaining room and caucus for as long as you can, and invite at least one colleague!

[Image description: A flyer with a purple-colored background and an image of a blue megaphone with waves of sound in the upper right. blue and white text reads “FULL CONTRACT BARGAINING SESSION #8 7/29/22.” In a paragraph below, smaller white text reads, “On Friday, June 29 from 2:00-5:00 PM, GEO’s Bargaining Team will be negotiating with university administration on topics of access and justice, wages and waivers, and health and safety in our contract.” At the bottom, text reads, “RSVP here:” On the bottom left is a white logo with the letters “GEO” inside.]

Share Your Champaign-Urbana Recommendations

GEO members are working on updating our Unofficial Guide to Life in Chambana, so we can share resources with current and incoming grads at upcoming orientations!

We’re looking for your recommendations and suggestions for navigating life in Champaign-Urbana: your favorite restaurants, advice on using grad worker insurance, places you enjoy visiting, and more!
Please fill out this poll to share your recommendations:

[Image description: A light blue flyer titled "Share your Champaign-Urbana recommendations!" Below the title is a picture of the buildings and restaurants of Green Street at sunset, with a car stopped at a red light at the intersection of Wright Street. Text below reads, "Have a favorite restaurant, advice on using grad  insurance, or tips for living in the area? Share your thoughts for GEO's new Chambana guide in this poll:" At the bottom is an arrow pointing to a QR code.]

GEO Board Game Night

GEO is having a board game night tonight!! Meet up with other grads & feel free to invite family and friends. Everyone is welcome, whether you’re a GEO member or not. 

See you there on Tuesday, July 26 from 7-9pm in the McKinley Foundation courtyard (or inside if it's raining)!

[Image description: A flyer with a peach background with black, yellow, and pink squiggles that surround text reading "GEO BOARD GAME NIGHT" in purple lettering. Beside an image of a pair of dice text reads, "Tuesday, July 26 7:00-9:00pm." Below, smaller black text reads, "McKinley Foundation Courtyard 809 South 5th Street *Will meet inside in case of rain* Family, friends and non-members welcome!" There are images of a chess board and another board game at the bottom.]

Orientation Trainings

Join our hybrid sessions about presenting or tabling at new grad orientations! All members are welcome, with no experience necessary. Experienced members are encouraged to attend to share their expertise. This is the time of year when we get the most new member cards signed, so it is crucial to have plenty of GEO members ready to communicate with new grads during these orientations! RSVP here:

Thursday, 7/28, 4-6pm
Sunday, 8/7, 1-3pm
Wednesday, 8/10, 5-7
Small group or individual trainings as needed

Email Grace at with questions.

Stewarding 101

Join our hybrid sessions about what it means to be a steward. This training is for anyone who wants to be more informed about bargaining, grievances, and how to have structured organizing conversations, and anyone who's interested in becoming a steward. All members are welcome! RSVP here:

Sunday, 7/31, 1-3pm
Monday, 8/1, 5-7pm

Email Grace at with questions.

[Image description: A blue flyer with a white border and text, titled “GEO STEWARDS 101.” Dates are listed under the title: Sunday, July 31 from 1-3pm and Monday, August 1 from 5-7pm. Text below the dates reads, “Interested in becoming a steward for your department? Want to learn more about organizing strategies?” An arrow points from italic text reading “Register here” to a QR code, with a link below: In the bottom left is an image of a light green and peach megaphone.]


We are a member-run union; we depend on the commitment of our members to stay as strong as possible. You can find details about what each committee does and how to contact them on our website. No special knowledge is required. You can also follow the calendar of events on our website for the date and time of upcoming meetings: Meetings are open to membership, and coming to a meeting does not commit you to joining a committee.

Upcoming summer schedules:

RA/PGA Working Group (Contact Bram at -  Email for information about summer schedule.

Bargaining Team (Contact Chelsea & Sam at Tuesday, July 26, 4:30-6:30pm.

Grievance Committee (Contact Salvador and Dante at - Wednesday, July 27, 4:30pm-5:30pm. Virtual. Contact email for link.

Stewards’ Council (Contact Grace at - Contact email to get involved this summer.

Communications Committee (Contact Megan and Savannah at - Contact email to get involved this summer.

Disability Caucus (Contact Grace at - Tuesday, July 26 from 12:00pm-1:00pm. Meets every other Tuesday from 12-1pm on Google Meet, Email for more information.

Solidarity Committee (Contact Anna at - Contact email to get involved this summer.

People First Cancel Debt Committee (Contact Karla at - Contact email to get involved this summer.

Work Action Group (Contact Madie at - Thursday, July 28 from 2:00-3:00pm. Online, contact email for link.

In Solidarity,
Graduate Employees’ Organization
809 S. 5th St., Geneva Room
Champaign, IL 61820