GEO Local 6300 IFT/AFT AFL-CIO at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Solidarity Statements and Press Releases

External Communications

Statement of Support for STEM Strikes the War Machine


STEM Strikes the War Machine calls upon all S.T.E.M. workers to refuse employment from all militaries and defense companies, and demands that 90 percent of money spent on research, design and procurement of militaries worldwide be directed towards democratically organized and social justice oriented S.T.E.M. communities. STEM Strikes the War Machine understands that we are facing an unprecedented ecological crisis as our politicians and policymakers continue to invest unjustifiable amount of resources into erecting borders, expanding surveillance, and engaging covert as well as overt wars. The S.T.E.M. community is an integral part of the war making and profit generating military-industrial complex that thrives at the cost of human lives across the planet.

We, the GEO-UIUC, stand in solidarity with STEM Strikes the War Machine and urge all STEM folks to sign the pledge within to not work for any military or defense company. As neo-fascism spreads through the cracks of liberal politics, we need engineers, scientists, researchers, and educators who fight for the welfare of human and non-human species.