GEO Picket at Swanlund TODAY starting at 7:00 AM!
GEO is picketing Swanlund administration building this morning in support of the Impact Bargaining Team demanding more robust COVID safety measures! A few brave members are engaging in civil disobedience and need your support! Bundle up, wear your mask, and join us on the picket line! Administration won’t keep us safe, so it’s time to take matters into our own hands.
Virtual COVID-19 Impact Bargaining Session TODAY, 8 AM
Today at 8:00 AM, GEO will negotiate with UIUC administration over COVID-19 health and safety conditions! In addition to our demands for high quality masks, COVID-19 exposure notifications, regular testing and building access status checks, and worker choice, we are also demanding that UIUC administration bargain with GEO over changes to mask mandate policy, which will directly impact graduate workers, our students, faculty, and staff. We can only demand change to this unscientific, undemocratic decision to disregard public health and leave workers and students to fend for ourselves if we come together to make our voices heard!
RSVP here to receive a link to attend the session: https://tinyurl.com/COVIDIBSess19
Join our Facebook event here: https://fb.me/e/2f4j0kI5a
P.S. GEO is compiling a list of high-quality masks, as recommended by members, to share with the university administration. Please share your masks recommendations with us here: https://forms.gle/H2myRu7ptTn5a9Xr5
In Solidarity,
Graduate Employees’ Organization
809 S. 5th St., Geneva Room
Champaign, IL 61820
Email: geo@uigeo.org