Latest COVID-19 Impact Bargaining Thursday
Subject: Join GEO! COVID-19 Impact Bargaining
***February 15, 2022***
Table of Contents:
COVID-19 Impact Bargaining
Pack the Screen! This Thursday, February 17th at 9 am on Zoom, the Impact Bargaining Team (IBT) will once again meet with Robb Craddock and the university bargaining team to advocate for worker choice and worker safety! IBT members will be negotiating for a more comprehensive COVID-19 notification system, unlimited PPE (K/N95 masks), and extension of the UIUC mask mandate past February 28. Register here:, and let administration know the university works because we do!
[image description: Bright purple poster, with white GEO logo on top right. Top left has orange bar jutting out, bottom left has green bar, middle right has yellow bar. Left of the yellow bar in big white text is “COVID-19 IMPACT BARGAINING SESSION - 2/17/22”. On the bottom right in white says “PACK THE SCREEN! Attend virtually and support our union’s Impact Bargaining Team! February 17, 2022, 9:00 AM CDT, Register here: IBT members will be negotiating for a more comprehensive COVID-19 notification system, unlimited PPE (K/N95 masks), and extension of the UIUC mask mandate past February 28.]
Join GEO!
It is a busy spring for GEO as we deal with COVID safety concerns and prepare to enter full contract bargaining. We are powerful, but only as powerful as our membership! If you’re not a member, join today, and if you are a member, tell your friends to join! We have a future to win and a new university to build.
[Image description: a sweet valentine theme’d GEO poster advertising the benefits of joining GEO. A variety of light yellow backgrounds have the text “have you heard of GEO? Graduate employee organization is the labor union that represents and protects TAs and GAs. Any graduate student can be a member! Already a member? Talk to your colleagues about GEO!” superimposed. In the bottom corner is a QR code to join. The top of the flyer is bordered by valentine candy hearts with various GEO initiatives and values like “fair wages,” “people first,” “worker safety”, “defund UIPD”, “organize”, “healthcare”, and “join GEO!”]
In Solidarity,
Graduate Employees’ Organization
809 S. 5th St., Geneva Room
Champaign, IL 61820