GEO Local 6300 IFT/AFT AFL-CIO at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

News and GEO-L

Member Communications

Happy New Year! Announcing Organizing Retreat and Bargaining Team Info Session

#NoAmerenShutoffs Update + Email Blast

Context: The Champaign County Board has indicated that they will vote on a utility shutoffs resolution crafted by the campaign and with bipartisan support. If they pass the resolution they will be the largest government to have passed a resolution calling on the Governor to protect residents during the pandemic through an executive order. The resolution also calls for federal aid from Congress.

Call to Action: Email your county board members asking them to pass the utility shutoffs resolution!

Use the Champaign County District Lookup to confirm your district:

Use the county board website to then find the contact information of your district's County Board members:

The email can be short & sweet such as "please support the utility shutoffs resolution" but you are invited to add your own personal statements!


GEO Virtual Organizing Retreat, Wed Jan. 5, 11 am - 4 pm CT

Join GEO members for a virtual retreat that will involve a critical reflection on our experiences as graduate workers, organizing 101 training and practice, training for upcoming TA orientations, and of course, it will be a great opportunity to get to know graduate workers from across departments! Join so we can go into full contract bargaining next semester strong and win better wages, healthcare coverage, overwork protections, and more.

The retreat will be Wed. Jan 5th, 11 am-4 pm CST. You don’t have to stay for the whole retreat, and you are welcome to leave early. Message if you have any questions or ideas!

Register here to receive a link to attend: 

Join the Facebook event here: 

Image description: One big fish chases a bunch of little fish in the top image. In the center is the word “ORGANIZE!” Below, the little fish form the shape of a giant fish and chase the big fish.

GEO Bargaining Team Welcome & Info Session, Sat. Jan. 8, 1-3 pm CT

GEO’s 2017–2022 contract, which governs the conditions of graduate worker employment, will expire in Aug. 2022. The Bargaining Team (BT)  is an elected group of GEO members responsible for negotiating this contract, including wages, healthcare, grievance procedures, childcare, and more, with UIUC administration. The BT is responsible for researching, assembling, planning, and making decisions about bargaining. Though it is a substantial time commitment, work on the BT can be highly impactful and rewarding. 

If you are interested in learning more or getting involved with the Bargaining Team, join an info session on Sat. Jan. 8, 1-3 pm CT. The session will provide a background, timeline, roles and responsibilities, time commitment, info on bargaining training, and time for Q&A and discussion.

Join via Google Meet:

White flyer, blue borders. Coral box at the top says “We Are Bargaining A New Contract!“. Underneath says “JOIN THE GEO BARGAINING TEAM!“. Caption says “Do you want to see changes to our contract? Run for a place on the union’s bargaining team!” Black GEO logo is in the middle, and four blue boxes surrounding it. Top left box: “What do we do? Survey members’ needs, draft a proposal contract, and negotiate with the administration.” Top right box: “How much time? Meetings are weekly and can take up to a year. You will receive proper training over Winter Break 2021.” Bottom left box: “Who can join? GEO is a democratically operated union so any member can run! LGBTQIAP+ folks, care givers, women, and BIPOC are highly encouraged!” Bottom right box: “Why join? Being on the Bargaining Team is rewarding! YOU can make a positive impact on thousands of grad workers and their families!” Bottom coral box says “For more information or to nominate someone or yourself, email”

In Solidarity,

Graduate Employees’ Organization
809 S. 5th St., Geneva Room
Champaign, IL 61820