GEO Local 6300 IFT/AFT AFL-CIO at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

News and GEO-L

Member Communications

URGENT: COVID-19 Cases on Campus Increasing - Safety Recommendations & GMM on 9/8

Dear grad workers,

The COVID-19 situation on campus is changing rapidly. While only about 10% of campus is testing each day, campus has reported 179 cases in the last three days alone (8/30-9/1). The majority of recent detected cases on campus are vaccinated individuals.

Alt text: This screenshot from the UIUC COVID-19 testing data dashboard shows a bar chart of COVID-19 cases on campus between 8/30/21 and 9/1/21. While the bars show cases, the lines show the daily and 7-day-average test rate. The chart shows a spike in cases for the last three days. 

Alt text: This screenshot from the UIUC COVID-19 testing data dashboard shows a bar chart of COVID-19 cases on campus between 8/30/21 and 9/1/21. While the bars show cases, the lines show the daily and 7-day-average test rate. The chart shows a spike in cases for the last three days. 

Source: View the Testing Data Dashboard here

Because of this, GEO’s COVID-19 Impact Bargaining Team (COVID IBT) is issuing the following recommendations:

Health & Safety

  1. We have received multiple reports of grad workers being exposed to COVID-19 in their classrooms without being notified by the university. We strongly recommend testing 1-2 times per week at UIUC’s free COVID-19 testing stations, regardless of your vaccination status, to avoid breakthrough infections and passing the virus on to others.

  2. Be sure to wear your mask consistently in indoor spaces and ask others to wear theirs, and try to avoid crowded spaces whenever possible. While it is not always possible, we recommend moving meetings online, social distancing by 6 feet, or holding meetings outside when the option is available.

  3. The GEO strongly supports COVID-19 vaccination. The University Administration has recently sent out information on the exemption process for the Governor’s mandate for those with medical or religious reasons for not getting the vaccine. To request an exemption, fill out this form. You will receive an interim exemption while your application is being reviewed. Whether you have an interim exemption or a permanent exemption, you will still be required to test twice a week. If you cannot get vaccinated or get tested, you will not be allowed on campus or university buildings off campus. You can find vaccine appointments in town at Vaccines are also available through McKinley Health Center, and you can schedule an appointment at

  4. If you’re working in an office or classroom with poor ventilation, you can request an air filtration unit for your office or classroom by emailing

  5. Grad workers have access to sick leave if we contract COVID-19. Our COVID-19 Impact Bargaining Team signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the UIUC Administration so graduate workers have access to this leave. You can find information about this leave in this MOU, and you can find information about how to request it on the UIUC HR website. Information on paid sick leave for TAs and GAs can be found on page 17 of the GEO Contract or on page 16 of the New Member Orientation Booklet. The general sick leave policy for graduate employees not covered by the GEO contract can be found here.

Overwork & Organizing

  1. Because of student exposures and quarantines and UIUC’s reduction in the number of door checkers (Wellness Support Associates, or WSAs), TAs are at risk for overwork on several fronts (addressing student absences and anxieties, hybrid modality requests, checking building status at classroom doors, etc.). We strongly encourage you to track your hours to avoid overwork. You can do so using this spreadsheet or an app like Toggl.

  2. If you believe that your responsibilities will or have required you to work more than what was outlined in your offer letter, you should tell your supervisor and contact the union immediately at Overwork should be reported to your supervisor within 5 calendar days. For more information, see section VII. Hours of Work on page 9 of the contract.

  3. Contact your steward if you or your department wants to organize around any COVID-related issues by emailing We can share templates and materials for this work.

  4. COVID IBT is bargaining for changes to our policies to keep us safe, but we need your help! Tell us what you’re experiencing or join the Impact Bargaining team by emailing Be on the lookout for a bargaining session invite soon.

We will be discussing these issues and how we will work to keep each other safe at the first General Membership Meeting (GMM) of the semester. 

General Membership Meeting (GMM)

Wednesday, September 8

In-Person: 12:00-1:00 PM at Channing-Murray (Building access will be checked at the door. Masks will be required, and chairs will be set up for social distancing.) Address: 1209 W Oregon St, Urbana, IL 61801.


Online: 6:00-7:00 PM via Google Meet. Register to attend at

Topics: COVID-19 Safety, GEO Budget Approval, New Semester Welcome

Please direct any questions or concerns to the Impact Bargaining Team at

In Solidarity,

Graduate Employees’ Organization

809 S. 5th St., Geneva Room

Champaign, IL 61820
