October GMM, People’s COVID-19 Briefing, GEO is hiring, and more!
Table of Contents:
Letter Protesting Midwestern State University’s Treatment of Professor Nathan Jun
Please sign onto this letter in solidarity with Dr. Nathan Jun. “Between June and December of 2020 Dr. Jun was subject to a protracted campaign of harassment, intimidation, doxing, and violent threats at the hands of fascists, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other right-wing extremists in response to protected political expression that was made in his capacity as a private citizen...Throughout this ordeal the university made no effort to defend Dr. Jun's personal or professional reputation, take proactive measures to protect his safety, or even express concern for his well-being privately.” Sign onto the letter here to call upon Midwestern State University to publicly acknowledge and apologize for its horrendous treatment of Dr. Jun.
GEO is hiring a part-time Administrative Assistant: $25/hr plus benefits!
The Graduate Employees’ Organization (GEO) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign seeks to hire a part-time (~20-25 hours a week) Administrative Assistant and Database Manager. This position is funded by membership dues. The Administrative Assistant/Database Manager’s core responsibilities are (1) Database management and maintenance, (2) Processing Membership, (3) Office Staffing and (4) other membership organizing and coordinating duties as needed. GEO members can apply for this position. See full job ad here.
The target start date for this position is November 15, 2021.
Salary and benefits: $25.00 per hour, health, dental, vision subsidy. Other benefits include retirement funds, financial support for student and/or medical debt, paid leave, as well as mileage at the standard IRS rate of 56 cents per mile and parking. The position is covered by the GEO Staff Union contract. Staff members negotiate their benefits as a union with the GEO.
Application Process: To apply please send your cover letter, resume, and contact information to andrea@uigeo.org with the subject line “Administrative Assistant Application.” Also provide names and contact information for at least two references. Please address the qualifications listed in the job ad in your application materials. Please email us at https://www.uiucgeo.org/contact if you have questions. In order to ensure full consideration, application materials must be received by 5 p.m. on October 31st. Applications will be considered after this date on a case-by-case basis.
October GMM: Wednesday, October 3 at 12 PM (in-person) and 6 PM (virtual)
GEO will be having our monthly GMM next Wednesday, October 13th. We will be discussing updates from the COVID-19 Impact Bargaining team and debrief the in-person and virtual protests against the Board of Trustees. The same topics will be discussed at both meetings.
We will be holding an in-person meeting from 12:00-1:00pm at the Channing Murray Foundation located at 1209 W Oregon St., Urbana, 61801 (right behind Davenport Hall on the main quad). Safety precautions will include checking building access at the door, requiring masks, and socially distanced chairs. A wheelchair-accessible entrance is located on the south side of the building. Coffee and bagels will be provided!
We will also meet online at 6:00-7:00pm via Google Meets. Register to attend at https://forms.gle/kUoVQkukkxHumBteA.
If you have accessibility requests, please contact efujimoto5@gmail.com.
People’s COVID-19 Briefing co-sponsored by CFA, GEO, and NTFC: Tuesday, October 5 at 12:30 PM
Instructors at UIUC are experiencing COVID-19 exposures in classrooms, overwork, and lack of safety protocols, while UIUC claims that their pandemic response is just fine. Attend the People’s COVID-19 Briefing to get the REAL story about COVID on campus from teachers and students. All GTAs are welcome and encouraged to share your experiences with COVID in the classroom. Join us Tuesday to demand safety for all campus workers!
Check out the Facebook event and register for the Zoom here.
A flyer made of alternating black and red rectangles, reads, “Campus Faculty Association (CFA), Graduate Employees’ Organization (GEO), Non-Tenure Faculty Coalition (NTFC), presents:” next to images of all the organizations logos. Below this text, on the life is a black square with the title “The People’s COVID-19 Briefing.” Next to this text is an image of a woman speaking into a bull horn in front of a large crowd of GEO supporters, seen out of focus. Below the title square is a red square with the text, “Come hear what it’s really like on the front lines of the COVID-19 classroom. Or share your story.” Next to this text is a black square with event details, “October 5, at 12:30pm.” with arrows directing viewers to the registration link at the bottom of the page: tinyurl(dot)com/PeoplesCOVIDBriefingUIUC.
LLS Movie Series - Salt of the Earth + Post-Film GEO Happy Hour, Wednesay, October 6 at 7 PM
The Department of Latina/Latino Studies is hosting a screening of Salt of the Earth on Wednesday October 6 at 7 pm in 1090 Lincoln Hall. In Salt of the Earth “Mexican workers at a Zinc mine call a general strike. It is only through the solidarity of the workers, and importantly the indomitable resolve of their wives, mothers and daughters, that they eventually triumph.” Watch the film with GEO and then join a post-film Happy Hour at the Blind Pig afterwards!
Blue flyer titled “LLS Movie Series.” Salt of the Earth movie poster featuring Rosaura Revueltas laying her head on Juan Chacón. At the bottom of the page there is a black and white film roll and info: “Department of LATINA/LATINO STUDIES 1207 W. Oregon Urbana, IL 61801 | lls.illinois.edu (217)265-0370 | lls-studies@illinois.edu @LatinostudiesIL @latinostudiesatuiuc”
Defund UIPD: Food Drive for C-U Community Pantries, Friday, October 15 from 10 AM-2 PM
Defund UIPD is hosting a food drive for Champaign-Urbana street pantries and unhoused C-U residents on Friday, October 15th. Feel free to drop by the Alma Mater from 10:00 AM to 2.00 PM, grab a free cup of coffee, and bring a few items to donate (see below for requested pantry and personal goods)!
Can’t make it? Venmo [at] Emiliana-Cofell to make a direct donation; all funds will be used to assemble care packages of food and personal supplies.
A square flyer with a yellow background and light blue and red loopy lines.
Central text is black, all caps, underlined type and reads "Food Drive for C-U Community Pantries" with the following information below:
Join Defund UIPD at Alma on Friday, Oct. 15, 10 am to 2 pm. We're tabling and collecting donations for CU street pantries and houseless care packages.
Grab a free coffee and donate what you are able. Swipe to the next page for more info on how / what to donate or direct message us on Instagram at defund_uipd."
Cartoon pigs with red Xs appear on the left and right middle sides of the flyer. The text "Care Not Cops" appears in bold, black type in the upper left of the flyer.
A square flyer with a yellow background and light blue and red loopy lines.
Central text is black, all caps, underlined type and reads "Food Drive for Houseless C-U Residents" with the following information below:
Most needed pantry items: Canned meats (tuna, vienna sausage, etc.); Bread with more than 1 gram of dietary fiber per serving; Granola bars, pop tarts, fruit snacks; Tampons, pads, hygiene products, diapers, masks; Water, sports drinks, shelf table juice; Cooking oils, vegetable shortening, herbs and spices; Nutritional legumes (peas, beans) and canned veggies; Canned fruits, apples, and other temperature-resistant fruits
Can't come out but still want to help? Venmo @Emiliana-Cofell to make a direct donation (all funds go toward care packages)"
The text "Care Not Cops" appears in bold, black type in the upper left of the flyer.
In Solidarity,
Graduate Employees’ Organization
809 S. 5th St., Geneva Room
Champaign, IL 61820
Email: geo@uigeo.org