GEO Local 6300 IFT/AFT AFL-CIO at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

News and GEO-L

Member Communications

Support Antonio Ruiz, COVID-19 Relief Efforts in India, DefundUIPD Events and More!

Table of Contents:


Support Antonio Ruiz, GoFundMe Announced, Press Conference Available

Image Description: Orange-red flyer has the heading, "CALL TO ACTION" in black text on an orange box with a white megaphone with the GEO logo to its right. Below, text reads: "Join GEO in emailing & calling the University of Illinois Administration to demand the immediate reinstatement of Antonio Ruiz and to call on the University to launch an investigatory review into the unjust treatment that led to his student discipline". The following text is accompanied by an email icon and paper and pencil icon: "EMAIL TEMPLATE: SIGN THE PETITION:". The bottom of the poster reads "REINSTATE ANTONIO RUIZ" in black text on an orange background.

After the petition calling for the reinstatement of Ivor Chen went viral in February, the GEO called for an investigation into unfair student discipline and the circumstances that lead to Ivor Chen’s wholly disproportionate discipline and the denial of his appeal. The University ignored this call for an investigation. Now, in April, Antonio Ruiz has been dismissed for similar COVID-19 related infractions. Please join the GEO in demanding the University fully reinstate Antonio Ruiz to the University of Illinois!

Antonio Ruiz has started a GoFundMe, which the GEO supports. As of now, Antonio has been removed from his TA position, and he is without a reliable source of income for the next 1 year. Please donate to Antonio’s GoFundMe, if you are able.

Ivor Chen and Antonio Ruiz participated in their first public Press Conference on Friday, April 23rd. Local news media were present and were allowed to ask questions freely. Antonio and Ivor gave prepared statements along with GEO representatives, and both responded to questions.
If you are outraged by the dismissal of Antonio Ruiz and Ivor Chen, and the disproportionate disciplinary system, please participate in the email campaign.

Support Covid-19 Relief Efforts for India

As many of you may already know, India is witnessing a deadly second wave of covid-19 that has led to widespread suffering and death. India has been reporting the highest daily cases and deaths the world has seen so far in the course of this pandemic. This has devastated the healthcare system leading to shortages of hospital beds for patients, and life saving resources such as oxygen and medications. In addition, covid-19 in India continues to affect the livelihoods of poor and marginalized communities who already have limited access to healthcare. We urge everyone to come together in solidarity to aid ongoing relief efforts in India. Here is an expansive list of various grassroots mutual aid fundraisers for medical, food and mental health support for Indians braving this crisis. You can also donate here directly to the Hemkunt foundation to fund oxygen supplies. If you have the capacity to do so, please do contribute and amplify these resources in your networks. If you are interested in helping with GEO efforts to organize on this issue, contact the Solidarity Committee by email ( or attend our upcoming meeting on Wednesday, May 5 from 4-5:30pm.

We know many among our membership have been affected by this crisis, especially while far away from your loved ones in India. Please do reach out and let us know how we could support you better.

GEO Officer Election Results

Thanks to all for voting! Election results are in and have been certified by a third party. Congratulations to the amendment and incoming officers for year 2021-22:

Amendment to allow co-officers at large: passed

Co-presidents: Austin Hoffman and Lesley Owens

Co-treasurers: Rachel Birchmier and Nachiketa Adhikari

Secretary: Chris Marry

Grievance: Ellie Fujimoto and Advith Govindarajan

Solidarity: Anna Flood and Chelsea Birchmier

Communications: Angela Ting and Owen MacDonald

Officers at large: Karla Sanabria-Véaz, Alana Ackerman, Candace Livingston and Kathleen Isenegger

COVID-19 Impact Bargaining Session #13 Summary

On April 28, the COVID-19 Impact Bargaining Team (IBT) met with the administration to discuss our Summer 2021 funding request, federal funding disbursement, and Fall 2021 reopening plans.

IBT has proposed that the University Administration offer at least $4,110 (the equivalent of 2 months work at a 50% appointment at our minimum wage) in funding to every grad worker employed in Spring 2021; the team argued that this funding could come in the form of fellowships or an appointment stipend with work requirements. Our goal is to ensure that grad workers can make rent and feed themselves during the ongoing pandemic and economic downturn.

The administration flatly refused this request, ignoring the testimonials of grad workers who will either go without basic necessities this summer or take out loans and rely on credit card debt to survive. The administration also refused to offer a counter proposal or in any way respond to the dire needs of unemployed grad workers, despite the $15 million in HEERF II funds the university received from the federal government for emergency student funding.

IBT also requested that the University Administration make all COVID-19 testing free for everyone in the Champaign-Urbana community and families of grad workers . We also asked about the university’s plans for reopening in Fall 2021. While decisions about what vaccines are required for students on U of I campuses are made at the state-wide level, GEO argued in favor of requiring COVID-19 vaccines for all students during the Fall 2021 semester.


DefundUIPD Mutual Aid Food and Supply Drive and Coffee Not Cops Tabling

Wednesday, May 5, 10AM-5:30PM CT

Going grocery shopping this week? Grab some extra items for the community! DefundUIPD’s Mutual Aid subgroup will be collecting items at Alma Mater between 10am-5:30pm Wednesday May 5—feel free to just drop your items off in the box! All donations will go to our friends at CU Street Pantries. We will also be tabling outside of Alma with free coffee, tea, and baked goods, so join us to get some coffee and chat! 

Image description: an orange graphic that says “DefundUIPD Mutual Aid: Food and Supply Drive” in yellow & black text on the top. Underneath there is yellow text that says “when: Wednesday, May 5th, 10-5:30”, underneath that it says “where: alma” in caps lock. There is a red square in middle of the screen listing donation items. On the bottom right, there is black text that says “solidarity not charity” in bold letters.

Image description: an orange graphic that says “DefundUIPD Mutual Aid: Food and Supply Drive” in yellow & black text on the top. Underneath there is yellow text that says “when: Wednesday, May 5th, 10-5:30”, underneath that it says “where: alma” in caps lock. There is a red square in middle of the screen listing donation items. On the bottom right, there is black text that says “solidarity not charity” in bold letters.

Image description: Brown flyer reads in orange block text “COFFEE, NOT COPS.” Underneath it says in orange text “Hosted by Defund UIPD as part of Cops Off Campus Coalition's Abolition May programming. Join us on Wednesday, May 5, from 10:30 AM to 6:00 PM for coffee, tea, pastries, and conversations about abolition at our tables at Alma and Main Quad. Bring you friends and invite others, especially those who are skeptical about getting cops off our campus! On the right of the flyer, there are images of hot coffee, handcuffs with a red slash through them, and a QR code that says “Check out Defund UIPD's Intro to Abolition Bibliography at the link above!” At the bottom, in brown text on an orange background it says “Twitter: @defunduipd Instagram: @defund_uipd Email:”

Image description: Brown flyer reads in orange block text “COFFEE, NOT COPS.” Underneath it says in orange text “Hosted by Defund UIPD as part of Cops Off Campus Coalition's Abolition May programming. Join us on Wednesday, May 5, from 10:30 AM to 6:00 PM for coffee, tea, pastries, and conversations about abolition at our tables at Alma and Main Quad. Bring you friends and invite others, especially those who are skeptical about getting cops off our campus! On the right of the flyer, there are images of hot coffee, handcuffs with a red slash through them, and a QR code that says “Check out Defund UIPD's Intro to Abolition Bibliography at the link above!” At the bottom, in brown text on an orange background it says “Twitter: @defunduipd Instagram: @defund_uipd Email:

Action Planning Meeting to Demand that UIUC Fund Grad Workers in Summer 2021

Wednesday, May 5, 2-3PM CT

Despite the ongoing pandemic and economic downturn, UIUC refuses to take responsibility for its unemployed workers this summer. The administration has refused the COVID-19 Impact Bargaining Team’s request for essential summer funding for grad workers, despite receiving more than $15 million from the federal government to support students.

Join GEO colleagues this Wednesday via Google Hangouts to plan an action to force the university to keep grad workers alive this summer. No prior organizing or action-planning experience required!

In Solidarity,

Graduate Employees’ Organization

809 S. 5th St., Geneva Room

Champaign, IL 61820
