GEO Local 6300 IFT/AFT AFL-CIO at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

News and GEO-L

Member Communications

University Resources & Budget Survey and Teach-In


Table of Contents:


University Resources & Budget Survey


Attention UIUC students, workers & Champaign County community members! You are funding UIUC via your tuition, fees, housing costs, labor, and/or tax dollars, so you deserve a say in UIUC’s budget. Since UIUC pays $0 in property taxes, what resources do you think they should offer to the Champaign County community? How much money should UIUC spend on policing and upper administrative salaries? What about mental health services, living wage jobs, and recruitment and retention of Black, Latinx, and Indigenous students and faculty? Please fill out this survey and let UIUC know: what are your budget priorities? 

Image description: This flyer shows several colorful boxes with words and images in them. From left to right and top to bottom, there is a pink box with a brown hand and blue heart, a green box with “What should UIUC fund & how much?” in yellow …

Image description: This flyer shows several colorful boxes with words and images in them. From left to right and top to bottom, there is a pink box with a brown hand and blue heart, a green box with “What should UIUC fund & how much?” in yellow text, a blue box with a picture of a city council building and 3 cartoon people holding a giant megaphone, a pink box with a green dollar bill with a plant growing out of it, a blue box with a police car with an x over it, a green box with yellow text that says “Fill out the survey, make your voice heard:” and pink box with a QR code. The bottom of the flyer in blue text says “You are funding UIUC via your tuition, fees, housing costs, labor and/or tax dollars, so you deserve a say in UIUC’s budget.”


Teach In: “870million ≠ Austerity”
TODAY, Feb. 22 5:00pm-6:30pm CST


Why is the University discussing 5% to 15% in budget cuts when it has nearly 870 million dollars in reserves? In the “People First, Cancel Debt” Committee we believe in creating a University that puts “People First” and this teach-in is our first step to do it! 

Register for this event and check out the Facebook event!

Image description: A green flyer with yellow text reading: “$870 Million ≠ Austerity Monday, Feb. 22, 2021 5:00-6:30pm CST. UIUC has 870million dollars in reserves, but insists in perpetuating austerity! Join the “People First, Cancel Debt” Committe…

Image description: A green flyer with yellow text reading: “$870 Million ≠ Austerity Monday, Feb. 22, 2021 5:00-6:30pm CST. UIUC has 870million dollars in reserves, but insists in perpetuating austerity! Join the “People First, Cancel Debt” Committee for a teach-in on UIUC’s debt, how it intersects with racism and policing, and how can we create University that puts #PeopleFirst.” This flyer includes a register link: as well as an image of a hand holding a money bag, a monopoly millionaire, and a picture of burning money.

In Solidarity,

Graduate Employees’ Organization

809 S. 5th St., Geneva Room

Champaign, IL 61820
