GEO Local 6300 IFT/AFT AFL-CIO at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

News and GEO-L

Member Communications

Wage Bargaining Session #8 Summary, General Membership Meeting, Champaign County ARC 10 Days of Action, and More


Table of Contents:


Wage Bargaining Session #8 Summary

Main Takeaways

  • The Administration’s latest wage proposal contained a very modest increase from their previous offer. At the session, our Bargaining Team discussed the proposal as well as asking clarifying questions about possible proposal language regarding student fees.

  • Our Bargaining Team got on the record some of what was said in last week’s supposal, which had suggested that dropping some of our COVID-19 impact bargaining asks, such as technology subsidies, would lead to higher offers. 

  • Now, we need membership input to better understand our priorities going forward.


The Administration had a new proposal of $18,321 for 2020-2021, and a minimum wage of $18,871 for the following year. These amount for two consecutive 3% raises from the current minimum wage of $17,788. This is about a $100 increase for the 2021-2022 academic year from the Administration’s previous proposal, and no increase for the 2020-21 academic year. They submitted this proposal to our Bargaining Team Monday evening. 

During the Bargaining Session, our Team got on the record some of what had taken place in the previous Session’s supposal period. During that supposal, the Administration had suggested that dropping some of our demands for a Technology Subsidy payment in our COVID-19 Bargaining Sessions might lead to us receiving higher wage offers in our Wages Bargaining Sessions. Our Bargaining Team had rejected this supposal at the time, and re-iterated this on the record during the session on Wednesday. The session concluded with our Team asking the Administration a series of clarifying questions about our proposed language regarding student fees.

Our Bargaining Team did not craft a counter-proposal on Wednesday’s session, largely because we need to hear from our members first. We believe that there is a path toward an agreement with the administration, but, we think it will involve making some tough choices about what items we wish to prioritize. Specifically, we’re looking at items like language protecting from increased student fees, language concerning blanket wage increases for those who are re-appointed, and a side letter concerning a commitment from the university to keep up with other Big Ten schools in terms of wages in years to come. 

To get membership input on the above, we’re holding a General Membership Meeting on Wednesday (Aug. 12), 6:30-8PM. Please come and bring a friend if you can! This meeting will be crucial in guiding our Bargaining Team toward an agreement with the administration.

COVID-19 Impact Bargaining Update


Despite our contract, UIUC refuses to equitably provide our grad workers with the tech equipment and resources they need to do their jobs; they’re leaving it to our overworked and under-funded departments to support us during the pandemic. We’re subsidizing the university by paying for our own internet and our own computers!

Let UIUC know this won’t stand! In solidarity with graduate workers taking action across the country as part of the X-Campus coalition, share a photo of your work-from-home set up, tagging the university, listing how much your materials cost, and using our hashtags #GettingROBBed #OurRiskOurChoice #TechSubsidyNow 

Creativity is encouraged! Let’s join with other higher education organizations in calling on our administration to put people first! 

Not sure what to post? Use one of the templates below: 

  • Facebook

UIUC Handle:

I’m tired of subsidizing through my internet bill and personal equipment. I’ve spent $____ to work since March. @UIGEO demands a #TechSubsidyNow! #GettingROBBed #OurRiskOurChoice 

  • Twitter

UIUC Handle: @illinois_alma, @uofiadmissions

I’m tired of subsidizing @illinois_alma through my internet bill and personal equipment. I’ve spent $____ to work since March. @GEO_UIUC demands a #TechSubsidyNow! #GettingROBBed #OurRiskOurChoice @uofiadmissions

  • Instagram

UIUC Handle: @illinois1867

I’m tired of subsidizing @illinois1867 through my internet bill and personal equipment. I’ve spent $____ to work since March. @GEO_UIUC demands a #TechSubsidyNow! #GettingROBBed #OurRiskOurChoice

Appointment Notifications and Training


Did you receive your letter of appointment or re-appointment as a TA/GA this fall yet? If not, you might be entitled to a $50 compensation from the university for the delay! All TA’s and GA’s covered by our contact--that is, all TA’s and GA’s between 25% and 67% full-time equivalent work--must receive their offer letters at least 30 days before the appointment begins. Most appointments begin around August 16th, meaning that this deadline recently passed. If you fall in this category and did not receive your letter, please write to university HR immediately at asking when you should expect it and for an explanation as to why it was late. Please feel free to cc the Grievance Committee at on any correspondence you may have with HR.

Not covered by our contract, but haven’t received your letter yet? You should email HR and cc us anyways! You should always feel empowered to ask about the terms and conditions of your labor--it’s your right as an employee! 

Last, we’d like to remind everyone--TA’s, GA’s, RA’s, hourly employees, and more--that you are entitled to compensation for any trainings or orientations you might undergo this summer/fall. Do not let your labor go unpaid! If you’re having issues getting paid for training, please contact us at

Grievance Committee Update

Our Grievance Committee knows that many of you have serious concerns about returning to campus and to work safely this fall. We’re doing our part to make the administration put people first by defending our contract’s current health insurance, benefits, and work safety provisions from being breached. In addition, we’re working to understand the complex webs of COVID-19 resources so that we can be prepared to help you receive all your due benefits if you get sick. We’re prepared to put people first for those of you who return to campus, even as we continue to push with the rest of GEO for remote work and learning alternatives for all.

In addition to COVID-19 concerns, the Grievance Committee is currently handling several outstanding grievances and Unfair Labor Practice charges against the university, one of which is headed to arbitration. 

With so much to do, the Grievance Committee is looking for some more members to get involved. We will provide you with all of the training and know-how that you need, and in return you can be happy knowing that you’re doing your part to defend the rights of your comrades on campus! Please message if you’d like to get involved.


General Membership Meeting


We will be holding a General Membership Meeting on Wednesday, August 12th at 6:30-8PM CT. At this very important GMM, our Wages Bargaining Team will be discussing the possible strategies going forward and gathering guidance from members. We may be close to an agreement, but we have some important decisions to make first! Please come and bring your fellow GEO members!

Fill out this form to RSVP!

Facebook Event

Champaign County ARC 10 Days 10 Demands

The Champaign County Anti-Racist Coalition (ARC) 10 Days of Action is kicking off today! The 10 demands are: defund the police, community control, housing for all, no jail expansion, no cops in schools, childcare for all, healthcare for all, end ICE raids, bias training, and people first policy. See more info & share on CCARC's Facebook page and Twitter.


Here is the schedule for the week:

Mental Health Mondays: 7 pm at Urbana County Courthouse (8/10) / Urbana City Building (8/17)

  • Urbana City Council Meeting Public comment: You can choose an email from this document and click to send (on the day of the meeting between 8 am - 4 pm); the email links are pre-filled and will request to open your email application/browser. You can also participate during the meeting itself at 7 pm via Zoom (link & script here).

Tuesday 8/11 at 8:30 am - Aleyah Lewis' court date at the Urbana County Courthouse - please come support! (SURJ Facebook event here)

Training Tuesdays: 7 pm at the the Champaign City Building (8/11 & 8/18)

Work Day Wednesdays: 8 pm at Urbana City Building (8/12) / Urbana County Courthouse (8/19)

Throwback Thursdays: 8 pm at the Champaign Police Department (8/13 & 8/20)

Funday Fridays: 8 pm at Alma Mater (8/14 & 8/21)

Saturdays & Sundays: Rogue Barber Co. (8/15-16 & 8/22-23)

Please join, bring chalk & share widely! You can also support by donating to or publicizing the actions and demands on social media. If you need a ride or want to walk to or meet up at the protests with GEO folks contact!

In Solidarity,

Graduate Employees’ Organization

809 S. 5th St., Geneva Room

Champaign, IL 61820
