GEO Local 6300 IFT/AFT AFL-CIO at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

News and GEO-L

Member Communications

Wage Bargaining Session #5 Summary, Impact Bargaining Update, and More


Table of Contents:


Wage Bargaining Session #5 Review

In Bargaining Session 5, the Administration came with a proposal for a minimum salary of $18,321 for a 50% 9 month appointment in year 4 of our contract and $18,550 for a 50% 9 month appointment in year 5. We responded at the end of the session with our own proposal for a minimum salary of $22,500 for a 50% 9 month appointment in year 4 of our contract and $23,625 for a 50% 9 month appointment in year 5.

The Administration told us that they were not willing to negotiate above $20,000 for the minimum for year 5; meaning, this would be the highest minimum wage they would consider. The Bargaining Team argued that graduate employees need a living wage and that salaries under $20,000 are not competitive with wages offered at other Big 10 universities.

Contract Year The Admin’s Proposal as of session 4
(Minimum for a 9 month 50% Appointment)
The Admin’s Proposal as of session 5
(Minimum for a 9 month 50% Appointment)
Difference in Admin’s Proposal Since Last Session Our Proposal as of session 4
(Minimum for a 9 month 50% Appointment)
Our Proposal as of session 5
(Minimum for a 9 month 50% Appointment)
Year 4 $18,321 $18,321 0% $25,107 $22,500
Year 5 $18,321 or Campus Wage Program $18,550 or Campus Wage Program 1.25% $26,614 $23,625

Main Takeaways

  • The Administration has offered a small increase in the minimum from their previous proposal, also offering a 1% raise rather than the campus wage program. The Administration moved their proposal up by 1.25%, while we moved our proposal down by 12.65% for year 5. 

  • The Administration suggested $20,000 as their ceiling for bargaining. We will continue to fight for a living wage.

    • The Administration’s representative justified this by saying that Colleges such as LAS -- and hence the departments within them -- will not have enough money to hire graduate workers; however, it is the Administration that decides how much money is allocated to Colleges. When pressed on this issue, the representative stated that it is management’s right to allocate however much money they want to the departments, implying that they would rather let the colleges struggle and downsize than allow them to pay their graduate workers a living wage.

    • We stated that other Big 10 universities have pay comparable to our proposal and that the Administration’s proposal keeps the majority of graduate employees in financial hardship

    • When pressed by our Bargaining Team, the University Administration refused to provide concrete numbers as to why they could not afford our raises. They said the rationale they had given us was enough.

  • We made the argument that the allocation of budget reflects the priorities of the University. The University decides not to allocate enough money to departments for them to be able to hire graduate workers who can live less precariously while providing the invaluable education and research labor that keeps the University going. Simultaneously, top administrator’s enjoy salaries that are near to and enter the six-figure range. If these comfortable salaries do not threaten University operations, graduate workers being paid just enough to sustainably live surely does not. 

The Administration argued that the University is hurting during this pandemic. We argued that our proposals only reflect a small part (0.53%) of the University’s discretionary budget and that the University can afford to pay its workers a living wage. Our proposal would cost the University an extra $6.6 million whereas the University’s net unrestricted revenue in 2019 was $1.245 billion!  We are  in a time of crisis and wage increases are needed now, more than ever!

COVID-19 Impact Bargaining Update

Quick Summary:

The Impact Bargaining Team reminded the Administration that, based on our contract, UIUC is responsible for covering equipment costs for graduate workers, even though the majority of us have used our own equipment (computers, internet service, cell phones, routers, etc.) while working from home since March. We proposed a one-time tech subsidy to cover this cost. The administration refused this initial request, though we will continue to push for compensation for our members.

Full Details:

On June 18th, the Impact Bargaining Team met with the University Administration for the 4th time to negotiate various COVID-19-related issues. The main issue negotiated at this session was reimbursements for use of personal equipment for work-related duties

In March 2020, when the University shifted all work to online spaces, graduate workers were expected to use our personal laptops, internet service, cell phones, routers, and more in order to perform our work duties. According to our contract section X. Employees Rights, “A department or unit will provide access to supplies and equipment as necessary to fulfill the assistant’s work obligation without cost to the assistant

Due to the costs graduate employees have incurred while completing our work, the Impact Bargaining Team proposed that the University should provide a one-time tech reimbursement for all UIUC graduate workers, to reimburse us for spring and summer 2020 work-related costs. This reimbursement would address the costs of having internet service, the hardware-related costs detailed above, and ‘wear-and-tear’ on personal technology.

The University Administration rejected this request for reimbursement, and instead claimed that individual workers are responsible for requesting equipment from their individual departments.

The Impact Bargaining Team responded that departments should not be responsible, and are not financially equipped, to provide all technological equipment for all graduate workers to work at a distance. Furthermore, this does not address the fact that most graduate workers have already used their personal equipment for work-related duties, and thus require reimbursement for these expenses. Without addressing these points, the Administration remained firm in its refusal. We concluded this discussion by asking the Administration to provide a proposal for addressing this issue, if they disagreed with our tech subsidy proposal.

The Impact Bargaining Team also issued a response to the Administration’s proposed side letter from the last session. A side letter is an agreement outside the main body of the contract, but that is still binding. The Administration’s proposed side letter included language on topics such as paid sick leave, emergency sick leave, recording of courses, replacing represented graduate employees with recorded sessions, working conditions, and cost of equipment. We presented a counter to their proposed side letter, improving its language and adding additional points.

Finally, the Impact Bargaining Team gave the Administration GEO’s letter demanding that classes be online in Fall 2020. The Administration agreed that we should talk more about the fall semester at a future meeting.

The Impact Bargaining Team is checking with departments on whether they could cover giving equipment to all of their grad workers. We would love input from members on this issue and help working with your home departments. If you want to give the Impact Bargaining Team feedback or get involved with the Impact Bargaining process, email us (!

GEO is Hiring!

We’re now hiring for the position of part-time Administrative Assistant. The position pays $25/hour, offers paid time-off, and offers subsidies for dental, vision, and healthcare. You can read the full job description here. To apply, send a cover letter, CV, and contact information for at least two references to no later than 5pm on July 8th.

Mutual Aid Updates

The GEO Mutual Aid Team has set up a UIUC Mutual Aid Facebook Page for campus workers and members of the Champaign-Urbana community to provide support and care for one another. As a reminder, please fill out this Mutual Aid PPE Form if you would like to request PPE (masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer) or volunteer to make, donate, or distribute PPE.


Urbana City Council Special Session on Police and the Community

Over the past several weeks, many Urbana residents have given public input at the weekly city council meetings regarding the police. Common demands have included dropping all charges against Ms. Aleyah Lewis, conducting an independent investigation into the attack against Ms. Lewis, firing Police Chief Seraphin, divesting from the police, and investing in local Black communities. In response to the intensified public input, the Urbana City Council will be holding a Special Meeting about policing on Thursday, June 25, 2020 at 7pm (Central Time). The meeting will be held on Zoom and will be open to the public. We encourage all GEO members and Champaign-Urbana residents, particularly those most impacted by policing, to attend and participate. 

Read more about the meeting on the GEO’s Facebook event page, and share widely!

For more information about the Special Meeting, see the meeting rules and agenda.

Join the Special Meeting over Zoom.

In Solidarity,

Graduate Employees’ Organization

809 S. 5th St., Geneva Room

Champaign, IL 61820
