GEO Local 6300 IFT/AFT AFL-CIO at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

News and GEO-L

Member Communications

IFT Convention Delegate Election and Budget Approval Voting


Table of Contents:

  • Announcements

    • VOTING!

      • IFT Convention Delegates

      • Budget Approval

    • Illinois Student Government




On Wednesday, October 2nd we will have the election for IFT Delegates and the Budget Vote. 
We are trying to have voting stations at both the GEO Office and Illini Union (exact location at Illini Union TBD depending on the space request) between 10 AM - 5 PM. If you want your voice to be heard in GEO, make sure you come out and vote!

  • IFT Convention Delegates:

    One of GEO’s parent unions, the Illinois Federation of Teachers, is holding a convention October 18-20, at which delegates from IFT locals can propose resolutions and changes to IFT’s constitution. A significant portion of GEO member dues currently go towards per-caps (which are similar to dues) to IFT. UIUC GEO and University of Illinois at Chicago GEO are co-sponsoring an amendment that would lower the per-caps graduate locals pay to IFT. Passing this amendment means that GEO would keep more of our finances in a budget that members can vote to spend on issues that matter to us.

    Convention delegates are elected by the membership. GEO can send up to 19 delegates to the convention. The following GEO members are running as delegate candidates:

    • Beau Barber

    • James Baugh

    • Andy Bowman

    • Gabrielle Colonna

    • Lila Ann Dodge

    • Chibundo Egwuatu

    • Sam Froiland

    • Rachel Harrison

    • Austin Hoffman

    • Patrick Kimutis

    • Bruce Kovanen

    • Sabrina Lee

    • Sarah Leffingwell

    • Umair Rasheed

    • Chris Tandoi

    • Chris Vanjonack

    • Ivan Velkovsky

    • Cassidy Wagner

    • Adrian Wong

    • Asena Acar (alternate)

    • Drew Jennings (alternate)

    The members running as alternates will go to the convention in the event that one of the other delegates cannot go.

  • Budget Approval:

    Each GEO Committee has proposed a 2019-2020 budget and seeks membership approval! The committee budgets along with projected income and expenses were presented at the last GMM and a summary will be available at the polling station and at the GEO office. Have any further questions, comments, or concerns? Email!

Illinois Student Government

The Illinois Student Government Senate has 11 seats reserved for graduate students, and currently only three are filled. It’s a great opportunity to have graduate workers’ voices heard through as many avenues as possible (especially one with a link to the Illinois Board of Governors), effect positive changes on campus, and advocate for students on campus in a fairly low-commitment way. This year, the ISG has passed amendments to start programs that will provide free period products in bathrooms around campus, demand action regarding the hate crime in student residence last month, and try to eliminate clothing that features the University’s racist former mascot from campus, among other things. If you’re interested in being a Senator, email to get in contact with the Senate!


We are a member-run union; we depend on the commitment of our members to stay as strong as possible. You can find details about what each committee does and how to contact them on our website. No special knowledge is required. You can also follow the calendar of events on our website for the date and time of upcoming meetings: Meetings are open to membership, and coming to a meeting does not commit you to joining a committee. 

Upcoming meetings:

Healthcare Working Group ( - Contact email for more 

Stewards’ Council ( - Monday October 7, 6-7:30pm

Finance Committee ( - Contact email for more

Solidarity Committee ( - Wednesday October 9, 5:30-7pm

Grievance Committee ( - Wednesday October 9, 2-3 pm 

Communications Committee ( - Tuesday October 1, 6-7pm

Coordinating Committee ( - Monday October 14, 4-5:30pm

RA/PGA Working Group ( - Contact email for more


Have comments about the GMM? Other kinds of feedback for us? We want to hear it! Reply to this email or use our anonymous google form. You can also get in touch through our website and social media:


Twitter: @geo_uiuc

Facebook: @uigeo @geosolcomm

Instagram: @geo_uiuc

In Solidarity,

Graduate Employees’ Organization

809 S. 5th St., Geneva Room

Champaign, IL 61820
