GEO Local 6300 IFT/AFT AFL-CIO at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

2017-2018 Bargaining Session Summaries

Eighteenth Bargaining Session

***107 days since our contract expired on August 15!***

Yesterday, the GEO Bargaining Team (BT) and the UIUC Administration held their eighteenth bargaining session / sixth mediation session.

Please read below for more information on what happened yesterday and what comes next.

After an 11-hour bargaining session, we signed a memorandum of understanding forcing the Administration to comply with an arbitration decision from 2016 by reimbursing former graduate employees who were wrongly denied TA positions in 2014 and 2015 and thus forced to pay tuition.These students have graduated, but GEO still fought for their reimbursement–and we won over $100,000 these students were owed. The Administration had fought long and hard to not pay this money back, even refusing to respond to our Grievance Committee’s phone calls and emails, so the fact that we were able to achieve this victory today shows that our organizing efforts have paid off. Let’s keep the momentum going and win our best contract ever!

For more information about the MCS Arbitration, you can read this article in the Public i.

What Comes Next:

Join us in fighting for a fair contract!

General Membership Meeting: Work Actions and Organizing

The meeting will be today, November 30, 6:30-7:30pm, at the Channing Murray Foundation (1209 W Oregon Street, Urbana). Food and childcare will be provided. Come and help GEO get the contract you want! Here is a link to the Facebook event for the GMMs.

We encourage you to make it a priority to attend these weekly GMMs in order for us all to work together to get the contract that we want.


The session is tentatively scheduled for  Dec. 12th. All members are welcome to attend for part or all of the session. You can also find more information about bargaining on our website.

If you have questions about bargaining or the BT’s proposal, attending a meeting is the best way to address them. You can reach us at

Communications Committee