GEO Local 6300 IFT/AFT AFL-CIO at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Become a Member

Become a GEO Member Today!


Our union is only as strong as its members.

GEO’s ability to affect change is directly proportional to its number of card-signed members. GEO membership is open to all graduate students, regardless of employment status. To become a member please fill out the following form; GEO will contact you to arrange a time and place to gather your signature at your convenience. Email with any questions.


Union dues give us the funds necessary to educate new graduate students and engage in bargaining with the university. Teaching Assistants (TAs) and Graduate Assistants (GAs) pay 2% of their pre-tax wages as dues only if they are members of the Union. Research Assistants (RAs) and Preprofessional Graduate Assistants pay $8/month in dues to the Union. All others (fellowship, hourly employees, unemployed) are not required to pay dues.

Infographic titled What are our past GEO wins worth?

Infographic with a dark blue background titled, What are our past GEO wins worth? Red rectangles under the title are filled with text and corresponding values. Tuition waiver, $1,493-$4,089/month. Health insurance, 87% of premium covered, $177/month. Raise to minimum wage since 2003 based on average minimum stipend increase, $48/month. Waived student fees, $263/month. The total is listed underneath next to an equal sign as $1,981-4,577/month. On the right-hand side due amounts are listed. TAs and GAs pay $43-$54/month for a 50% appointment; 2% of pay. RAs and PGAs pay $8/month. Text underneath reads, Dues make these wins possible! Become a member to keep this work going! A yellow triangle with a black circular GEO logo and the link is in the bottom corner.

Fill out this form to become a member today!